
Chapter 569

This place is amazing! I mean, wow, ingenuity and all that good stuff is on display in copious amounts right here. The city itself is nestled inside a gigantic egg-shaped cavern, with some sort of humungous crystal light source on the ceiling? What the heck is that thing!? Are they powering it with cores? Holy heck that must suck up a lot of mana. My entrance comes out about halfway up the side of the egg and from that point down the buildings begin to appear, built right into the walls of the cavern itself. All sorts of impressive stone constructions poke out, fort-like citadels and graceful mansions gradually give way to more humble living spaces and markets. I wonder how they find the vertical living here on the side of the cavern? Must be a little awkward getting up and down. I hope for their sake that there was something other than stairs to get up here, that would have been painful.

The most stunning aspect of the city and one that I only noticed after entering the main chamber, is the total lack of Dungeon veins! How the heck have they achieved something like this?! I've not seen such a thing done before, not even by the Sophos! This secret must be unlocked for the Colony! As we expand deeper into the Dungeon, this could make our nests invulnerable fortresses during a wave and ensure the safety of the precious brood! If nothing else comes of this raid, then this technique must be uncovered!

I don't get so distracted by gawping at everything new around me that I neglect to pay attention to the defenders of the city, such as there are. It appears that the citizens are being herded into the city centre, I can see an inner wall there where I assume they hope to make their final stand. There also seems to be a terrific amount of screaming and running going on as my siblings flood into the chamber.

[Hey, Crinis. What was that scream thing all about?]

[I am letting them know what they are dealing with!]

[It looks like you got quite a strong reaction.]

[Naturally I did, Master! I wanted to ensure they ran away… in accordance with your plans, of course!]

time to deal

on Tiny, let's move up and see if anyone comes to try and deal with us. Stay alert, they may

pleasingly wide roads as I rush down the side of the cavern. Judging by the winch and


"What the heck, mother?!"

gets in her way, sending the stone tumbling down and damaging a few more houses on its way. She looks even larger than usual,

asks as

within the buildings, I'm going to assume they aren't considering it

Within a nearby building.

Sylvin was able to see the onrushing horde of monsters, led by two

we leg

managed to wipe the expression from his face before he turned back to his nervous

said, "why would we run away when a

the air inside the Mercenary Union of Rylleh, that was a smell that he

any more union

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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