
Chapter 573

Beyn was nervous, yet exultant, but terrified whilst also experiencing a deep sense of unfurling faith. The enormity of the moment wasn't lost on him, far from it, this was the first time the holy ones, the Great One, would be exposed to the wider community of Pangera! And he, Beyn the one-armed, humble priest, was to be the spokesman, the representative that would communicate their glory to the world!

… except that he couldn't. He wasn't allowed to say any of the words that exploded in his heart and soared to the snow-capped peaks of his soul. He felt wracked with a pain that sent shudders through his entire frame as he strove to restrain himself. He had already failed once, in a shameful display that had brought swift retribution from the Great One. Richly deserved punishment that nevertheless sent him into paroxysms of faith induced joy. It was wrong for him to find such delight in the touch of the one he revered so, but he couldn't help it! He wasn't worthy, wretched unbeliever that he had once been, far too lost to receive such contact!

Behind him, the rest of the delegation looked on with eyes bulging from their heads. Even if they knew he was being disciplined, to see Priest Beyn receive the touch of the Great One elevated him to new heights in their esteem. Truly, he was the right person to lead their congregation. Selected by the Great One the moment they breached the surface, this level of closeness only reaffirmed his eminence.

Beyn himself continued to battle within himself, a titanic clash that consumed him as he desperately strove to say only the words he was meant to.

Suddenly, he felt the touch of the Great One upon his mind and tears began to well in his eyes. He wasn't worthy!

[Look, just chill out, alright? You look like you're about to pass out, I swear to goodness you're vibrating in place! Deep breaths. Just breathe.]

Covertly, the priest attempted to follow this advice in the depths of his hood. Inhale. Exhale. He focused and tried to still his frantic thoughts and emotions. It worked, a little, maybe enough.

[Okay now. Just remember what we need you to say and how we need to come across here. We don't want them knowing what they're dealing with, not yet, alright?]

Beyn nodded to himself. Yes, he must maintain this shameful charade for the time being. It would be painful, it would be difficult, but he could do this! He gathered himself and began to speak once more, hoping that his unusual delay had gone largely unnoticed.


his words were digested

rather talk from where we

talk with the Great

ask them if they'd like us to go in there and talk

he meant, but he dutifully followed


"Fine! I'll come out!"

Beyn took a moment to study this person, as he felt the thousands of ants in view were also doing, their collective attention somehow materialised in the tense atmosphere like a blanket that weighed down on everything. Grizzled, experienced, solid and somehow not entirely predictable was Beyn's read on him. There was something about him that spoke of instability, not that he could be blamed, faced

he willingly abandoned the safety of his wall to venture out, alone, and walk forward into the face of an army

Danton," he spoke and bowed toward Beyn, but also somehow toward the Great One, a gesture which raised him in Beyn’s esteem immensely. "I head the guard here in Rylleh, the guard you have so roundly

for such a failing,

from where he stood. Each monster was perfectly still, barely a twitch of an antenna to show that they still lived. Despite their eyes not needing

enough to

about this… invasion. I find it difficult to imagine what a human in charge of such a large colony of monsters would

blankly for a moment before he remembered. Oh, right! The fiction! He was supposed to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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