
Chapter 587

It took ten minutes for the ants to herd the humans into a side tunnel and from there into a small but comfortable room, complete with chairs and at which they could sit. Enid herself had no eyes for the furnishings, instead her focus was laser sharp on the ants around them who definitely appeared more tense and alert than they did a moment ago.

Antennae twitching, mandibles flexing, sudden, jumpy movements were all indications of nervousness that she'd witnessed in the ants and all of those signs were present in those watching them at this minute. All except Coolant, that is. The powerful mage was as her name, relaxed and comfortable as she asked for the humans to sit and took her place at the head of the table on a strange, ant shaped seat.

It slowly dawned on Enid what it meant to be so close to the brood. She knew how the lifecycle of the ants went. The larval ant monsters demanded a huge amount of Biomass before they could weave their cocoons and mature to full grown members of the Colony. Somewhere nearby, a literal army of flesh eating grubs were being served mountains of monster remains. In the back of her mind, she almost felt as if she could hear the sound of thousands of mandibles tearing into meat and crunching bone.

She felt sick.

Beyn on the other hand, was totally elated! He was so close to the heart of the Colony, he could practically hear the heartbeat thudding in the walls. It filled him ecstasy, yet also humbled him. What was one, pathetic life next to the majesty of the Colony and its children? Thousands of young miracles were being reared nearby, angels of the System. What could one such as him do in comparison to that?

The rest of the council looked nervously to Enid for leadership and she laboured to pull herself together. It wouldn't do to shame herself or the proud people of Renewal here! Come on Enid, pull yourself together! She reprimanded herself harshly and rallied her spirit, chasing the gnashing sounds away.

[Thank you for accommodating us here, Coolant,] she gestured to the seats and table, [it's clear you went to some trouble to make us comfortable.]

it's nothing. The furniture is but stone and wood, things

to his profession,

craftsman under the table, [though I must ask, why bring us so close to the brood chambers if it makes you uncomfortable? I, for one,

Please let us leave!

being, then we must extend trust. This is true on an individual level, but also on a societal level. It is our intention to seek greater trust from you and your people, so it is necessary that we display trust towards you. For that reason we have brought you

wall to better gesture

lies the egg-laying chamber of this nest where the

with a stunned silence in the room. Not a single human made a sound as they stared toward that unassuming wall. None except for Beyn. The priest’s eyes bulged in their sockets and a strangled gargling sound croaked out of his throat as he desperately tried to hold in his jubilation. So intense was the war of feeling within him that his face turned a deep shade of red and he was forced to bring his hand to his throat to prevent his roars of praise escaping his soul. This bizarre demonstration quickly drew the attention of everyone in the room, including Coolant, who had no idea what she was looking at. To the humans, it appeared as

succeed. The closest to Beyn were his acolytes, who insisted on sitting behind him, but they were just as lost to religious fervour as their leader, either silently praying with frantic energy or

were willing to meet the Queen

the Colony’s most generous offer of hospitality. Holding the mind bridge in so many divisions was taxing, even if she had help,

caused him to clamp down on his throat even more vigorously, cutting off that noise and strangling it down to a low croak. By this time his eyes were completely bloodshot and his face had begun to darken its shade of red to verge on purple. He desperately needed oxygen but he wasn't willing to risk it. He couldn't! What if he disturbed the Queen?! What if he were to startle the larvae as they grew?!

to contain the waters of their joy, but this new flood, so soon after the first, was just too much for their reinforced banks to withstand. First one, then more, began to sway on their feet and

his own neck. Wild eyed and trembling, the priest began to foam at the mouth as his eyes rolled up in his head and for the first time in months he wished he had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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