
Chapter 599

[So your people are called… the Folks?]


[The Folk?]


[So… The Folk?]

[That is correct.]

[Is that like… a nickname, or a translation thing? Or is it just… The Folk?]

So far, the wolf-like guy has been placid, a cold yet calm air of dignity surrounding him. For some reason, after my repeated questions, a crack begins to show in his façade.

[Our people are collectively known as the Folk. It is a name we chose for ourselves, hundreds of years ago and it remains our name today,] he says shortly.

[Right. It's just…]

[Just what?]

anger in his eyes causes me to change

such a cool and interesting name. Really great. I know that if I could name my community whatever I wanted to, I'd for sure, call it The Folk. If it

don't like it do

think it's a

to you and you are worthy of them. Nonetheless, the name of our people does not change, we should move past it if our

of dig? Big words coming from one of

one of my siblings already, Coolant would have

his eyes

respectful. I enjoyed my conversations with her. For one so young, she possessed a settled and insightful mind. I had

more peaceful, relaxing and well-mannered conversation, you should talk to Vibrant. Absolutely the most

my intentions. Good luck trying to get a read on an ant, buddy. We don't even have a face, it's all bones on the outside. We can tell quite a bit about each other's state of mind just by watching antennae, the more subtle cues of the

Vibrant. I hope that

I'm sure it will. So, do you two have names, or would you rather I continue to refer to you as 'The

a common trend amongst the wolf-like folks. The girl, who has remained silent to this point, is certainly much shorter than he is, and much more delicate. Her

so quick to share our names among those we do not consider friends. Considering how our relationship began,] he pauses for dramatic effect, just to remind me that our 'relationship' such as it is, began when we abducted them in the Dungeon, [for now, you may call me Grey, and you

their fur? Seems a bit… simple? Also, she's his apprentice? Were they on some sort of teaching journey

the case that this is another community with as bad a naming sense as the Colony? I mean, it's not like my own naming sense is particularly good, just take a look at the council for an example of that. My own poor sense seems to have been adopted by them to an almost absurd

White, nice to meet you. You can call me

of the run their eyes over my glittering carapace and I can't help but feel proud of my splendid shininess. You could shampoo your fur every day for a year, Grey, you still wouldn't look this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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