
Chapter 607

Those chasing in my wake don't seem to appreciate my gifts. Angry shouts and a barrage of blade light explode from behind me, shattering the stone and sending shards bouncing from my carapace. I don't think they like my souped up merchandise. They'll like it even less soon enough… Gweheheh.



My senses tingle and my legs fire before I understand why, just in time to avoid the fireball that streaks beneath me, searing the fine hairs on my legs before detonating against the tunnel wall in front of me. My vision becomes filled with smoke and dust, my antennae muddled by the residual heat. Even so, my future sense sends flashes of sensory input into my mind and I leap to my left, just in time to avoid the glittering broadsword that slices down.


The blade flashes before my eyes and pierces deep into the stone between my mandibles, slicing through the stone as if it weren't there. Holy heck! My mandibles flex and snap shut with concussive force.

Doom Chomp!

The dark jaws of energy manifest and close with brutal swiftness. Irritatingly, the blade snakes up from the ground and draws a shining arc in the air that my jaws crunch down on and stop. They just blocked my Doom Chomp with sword light? Is that even a thing?

Turns out, it nearly is, but not quite. After a moment of strain, the light shatters and my jaws complete their path, crunching shut. But holy mcjiggers is that armour tough! I feel like I just clamped my mandibles down on a rod of reinforced concrete! What the heck is that stuff made of? Regardless, I wasn't able to penetrate the bulky suit in my first bite, but the person wearing it doesn't look comfortable. With a heave, I lift them from the ground and spin my body to one side, tossing them like a dwarf directly back into the path of the oncoming pursuers.

And they're gaining. It looks like there's ten of them and with this one making the sacrifice play to hold me up, they've closed the distance to just a dozen metres. At this sort of range, they can dash to cover it in an instant. If I turn my back on them now, I'm going to tank a heck of a lot of shots from them before I get far. We might have to stand and deliver.

want you on the front line making a mess, just make sure you don't die. Invidia, you're on support. You have permission to bring the

bulging eye flashes green and curves

[Yesssssss,] he gloats.

get cooked. Your Skill levels aren't high enough. If you think you have a chance to

at my pets and speak with pheromones at the same time. Instructions relayed, I turn

a sibilant hiss as I feel the prodigious power of his mind

off the leash, I can feel the mad little eyeball drawing out enormous flows of mana, spinning together into deadly

I have to wonder, who are these people? These armoured death soldiers of doom!? They sure as heck don't look like any Golgari that I've ever seen. So who are they? Is this just a hunting team, on a delve? They seem a little too well armed and armoured for that. The massive plates of living rock and steel that make up their suits are impressive as hell, every inch of the damn things look enchanted to the brim. But their weapons are just the same! Two of them even sport massive tower shields that positively hum with mana. This lot are of

the depths of the seconds strata, Crinis is at her most powerful, the thick shadow mana allowing her to manifest her tentacles almost anywhere she pleases. As she rises from my back and begins to take her true form,

at the enemy

warning and in a flash the figures dash together, huddled behind the two shields that


soldiers erected manages to hold strong against the spell. Brandishing

of this conflict, the less I like how it's going. At the very least, I can take some comfort from the sight of the acid I fired growing on them. Not in an emotional sense, but in the literal. Clumps of

together an ice magic construct and continuing my attempts to latch onto the mind of one of these attackers. Whatever they've done to their

they like


into it this time and force my will into the energy flowing out of my body. The dark mandibles manifest once more, but flatter, built for impact. The two shield bearers step forward, fearless, the dome-like shield enveloping

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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