
Chapter 621


What a day! WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY! The Immortals unleashed their war cry, the name of their great leader, as they charged toward what would surely be their useful deaths! The golgari formed a fortress before them, their combined shields creating a wall of golden light that the ants just couldn't wait to run into.

"No!" roared Leeroy as she battered aside one of her subordinates with a vicious shoulder check. "I will be the one to die!"

The soldier watched the powerful arc of sword light descend on her as if it moved in slow motion. Perhaps this would be her chance, maybe this was her moment! The armour was an extension of her own body. She felt it, as the beam of condensed energy crunched into the steel, cutting deep rents in the folded metal and sending shockwaves of pressure through her carapace. There was pain, she was scarred, but she did not find oblivion. A dissapointment.



The Immortals charged with renewed vigour, the mighty enemy arrayed before them igniting a flame in their hearts and cores that burned like a sun.

"You lot are weird," muttered a small voice.

Clung underneath Leeroy, her claws dug into special grooves cut for purpose and her head protected behind a curve of folded steel, the healer had to wonder who had thought it was a good idea to send these crazed siblings into battle.

this moment, this charge and this enemy. The wall loomed before them, the golgari stood firm against their massed charge, confident in the strength of their defence. She hoped they

Closer. Closer! CLOSER!

enemy, the rest of the Colony's attack force following close behind. At the last possible moment, Leeroy synched


the Immortals push their thin ant legs to the breaking point, three separate dashes executed almost at once. The sheer force almost shattered their joints but pushed the armoured titans

Please! Leeroy hoped.

The medic declared, releasing her grip and dropping to the ground along with her sisters who appeared from under the other armoured figures. Once on the ground

shield wall of the golgari. Despite her pounding heart and screaming soul, it was

ground, her legs giving way beneath her. The Colony swarmed forward over her back as

she lived. Still, she lived. Her body protested as she forced her legs to the ground and pushed herself up, regenerative fluid already sloshing through her body. The pain was intense, but she ignored it, hope igniting within her once more. The battle still continued,


battered Immortals responded


who, like Leeroy, struggled with the concept of valuing their own lives and put them together with Leeroy in the Immortals. Armoured to

the Eldest got back, they weren't going

closing into melee on every front. It had been a deliberate decision not to surround them completely, they still weren't sure of the fighting strength the golgari possessed and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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