
Chapter 627

As we flee from the scene of the battle with all haste, I take a moment to let the System messages from the battle roll over me.

[You have slain Level 54 Legionem Shieldbearer (Human)]

[You have slain Level 44 Legionem Armoured Scout (Human)]

[You have slain Level 45 Legionem Shieldbearer (Human)]

[You have slain Level 58 Legionem Swordsman (Human)]

[You have slain Level 42 Legionem Armoured Scout (Human)]

[You have gained experience]

[You have reached level 58]

A lot of experience was gained there. Also, the next evolution is getting a lot closer. Another twenty two levels and I'll reach that mythical level 80 that seemed so far away after I'd evolved. It's a shame to leave their armour and technology behind, but I don't want any delays. I believe it's likely they'll have a way to know when their people go down. All in all, this ambush was highly successful, but still, I can't shake the feeling that my mandibles are unclean.

[They have come to kill you, Master. Don't worry over them when they wouldn't do the same for you,] Crinis' voice echoes in my mind.

I twitch, startled by her sudden words. How well is she able to read my mood? I still have meditation active! I hardly even have a mood!

[What do you mean?] I ask her, [why would I be feeling anything other than triumph right now?]

Crinis considers her

I have watched carefully and I see more than you think. I know that you do not want to hurt the humans. You didn't really want to hurt the golgari


enemy would make you sad, so I spoke. I hope I have not disturbed you

I sigh.

this, with monsters for everyone to fight against, why would they go out of their way to fight us? I thought if the Colony was peaceful and didn't attack anyone, then we'd be left alone. At least, that's what

can feel Crinis

have to attack your family? None! These trash

diamond shell.

doesn't matter who's wrong or right now,] I try to soothe her, [this is the situation that we're in and we're going to have to deal with it. I can't be half-assed anymore, it's them or us, and we weren't the ones to push it



[What's an ass?]


even explain it… monsters

we come to the point I'd been looking for. That weird root had appeared in this location and I want to take another gander at it before it becomes too hard for us to make it into this area. It doesn't

shadow beasts, is a now a totally different

is this?" I ask nobody in

Protectant asks from

I wasn't ---. Doesn't matter I suppose. Should we try and push

Seeing this amount of bright plant life, is just so

going to lie,] I announce to my pets, [but I've got a bad feeling about this place. I'm not sure that I want to meet

a scary thing, which is fine with me, since that would mean that those stupid soldiers will have to deal with it, not me. Still, I can't say I'm not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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