
Chapter 629

Hironus Balta bared his blade and executed the 'blooming flower' technique, six consecutive slashes that unleashed a barrage of light so quickly that they each flew out like the petals of a single rose. The ants before him were unable to withstand the power of his sword and were driven back or cut through directly. He stepped over the fallen bodies of the insects, allowing those behind him to drive their blades through the carapace and claim the experience.

As a member of the noble circle, he was entitled to take it, but the gain from tier four monsters, or worse, tier three, was beneath his notice. All along the line the battle still raged, but having broken through in the centre, it was only a matter of time until the ants were forced to disengage, lest they be collapsed on and slaughtered.

With no opponents in front of him, Balta took a long breath and centred himself. He'd been placed in the centre for three consecutive battles now, having to re-establish his reputation after the disastrous loss in the earlier battle. To his left and right, the fight raged on, ants covering the floor and ceiling battling to hold off the golgari who pushed forward step by step, their coordinated shield wall holding strong.

Just as he prepared to charge to his right and begin collapsing the line, he noticed something subtle. Though chaos reigned around him, the sound of clashing blades and snapping mandibles filling the air yet still, he could feel something. It took a moment for him to realise what it was, the ground beneath his feet had begun to tremble.

The current battle was taking place in a wide tunnel with a low ceiling, perfect for the ants to utilise their roof clinging skills to double their battleline. This particular area also sloped upwards towards the surface. Filled with a worrying premonition, Balta lashed out once more with his weapon, clearing space around him and charged forward, deeper into the ant’s territory. The farther he dashed the more he could see of the slope and soon he was seeing something that caused rage to flare up within his heart.

The armoured ants! They hadn't been seen in the front line since his inglorious defeat, something that had caused the low-blade no small amount of ire. Once more they appeared before him, they charged in unison, a gleaming line of massive insects covered in steel.

Balta set his feet and began channelling his energy through the Living Stone blade in his hands. With his next strike, he would skewer the lead ant straight through its head! The blade soaked up his intent as he primed the skill, shining bright and brighter each moment. This was his chance, delivered by The Path itself to help him establish himself once again.

as the distance between the two closed.


Skill unravel as he finally took his focus off the hated armoured ants. There he saw something

did Balta realise that the ants were arranged in a v formation, the largest armoured figure in the centre, with the gargantuan bear nestled between them. More than that, the bear itself was also covered in thick plates of armour that crackled with mana. With the metal and sheer mass of the monsters rushing toward him Balta felt as if a mountain was about

charge his Skill and turned to rush

bellowed. "BRACE THE LINE!

being assigned a position of leadership for this assault, his commanding presence was enough for the golgari in the centre of the line to instantly respond. The shield bearers rushed forward, their eyes firm as they slammed their shields into the ground and activated their defensive Skills in synch. A wall of golden light erupted at once as the powerful Warriors anchored themselves and each other. Mages stepped forward to weave barriers and attempt to modify the terrain, anything to slow and disrupt the

coming!" Someone

a scurrying flood of insects followed, hundreds, maybe

cursed under

the first battle where the armoured ants had shown the strength of their charge, they had taken steps to ensure it

only to see the armoured figures fight to amongst themselves to accept the strikes. Armour was dented, ants

the monster's body was wreathed in a red aura that grew stronger

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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