
Chapter 631

The four rank five Skills were melting down and blending together inside my mind, forming a new pool of knowledge that was greater than the sum of its parts. Excitement was bursting inside my heart. What would come of this powerful fusion? My only fear was that it wouldn't reach my expectations. I was forced into grinding for this due to Gravity Mana speciality not showing up in my Skill list after all this time. Before I moved onto the next tier of magic and started grinding away at it, I wanted to secure the best possible foundation I could for the first tier.

A part of me still regretted that I didn't stick it out for the rank six fusion, but grinding for so many levels would take years, time I just didn't have. I could only hope that what I gained here would be enough to carry my magical offense until more powerful options became viable for me.

Judging by the information flowing inside my mind, it just might do! The sheer volume of what was entering and forming was indicating that this fusion was going to reveal something particularly juicy. All I could do was wait. Like pieces slotting into a puzzle, new knowledge slowly took shape, each passing moment making the picture that little bit clearer. When I finally realised just what it was that was forming, I couldn't help but clack my mandibles in appreciation.

Holy moly. This wasn't just juicy, it was a juice festival. This was a river formed by the pulping and squeezing of fresh fruits. No getting away from it, I was in juice town.

The fusion took a long time, a period of hours, but what was revealed was well worth the time investment. It was a new type of construct. Every construct was a fiendish, demon puzzle formed of mana that allowed raw, unattributed energy to transform into one of the myriad of types. Forming the construct, maintaining and operating it, consumed one of my brains most of the time. It was difficult work that required fine mana control and a powerful Will. It was like holding a squat, not for minutes, but hours at a time.

This new design that was revealed took the puzzles I had already seen and blew them out of the water. It was absurd, obscene even. This sort of thing would be censored in any normal society, it wasn't safe to look at.

a globe within a globe, repeated down to the molecular level, each level inscribed on the inside and outside with intricate runes. The number of lines and layers

is this thing?! Next time I evolve

already tell it was going to take a lot of practice to even be able to form this construct correctly, let alone

no longer did they clutter up my Skills list. Instead, a brand new Skill had

construct, that monstrosity of a contraption, was able to produce all of the elemental mana types. All of

Fire mana? Blue Fire mana?! Wind! Gas! Earth!

hack together the combined forms by making the elements separately and forcing them together (something of a hack), an inefficient and wasteful method at the best of times, now I could form them directly! Not only that, the proper spell patterns had been imprinted in my mind along with the construct. It was as if I had been

fighting. If my main sub-mind was able to maintain and operate this construct then I'd be able to throw around three different types of elements at once using my other three brains. That would be huge! The flexibility alone. Not having to break down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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