
Chapter 635

Beyn was troubled in spirit, something he had rarely been during his life. He remembered his time in the seminary, training to serve The Path. Even at that young age, his spirit had burned with certainty and divine purpose. He had risen long before the sun and slept long after it had set, devoting his every waking moment to the scripture, his meditations and the development of his oratory skills. It had been a simple time of purity and growth, one that he was fond of.

But the measure of his devotion in those years would pale in comparison to the blaze that would awaken in his later life. With the loss of his arm, an even greater purpose would be revealed to him, a deeper truth! And yet, he was unable to serve as he so desired!

"Priest Beyn. How are you feeling?"

He was dragged from his thoughts by a voice and he turned to see one of the true believers, Margaret, approaching him with concern.

"I am fine, sister," he assured her, "my symptoms have abated at last and I make haste to the temple to join our brethren."

A look of relief flashed over the middle aged woman's face.

a relief, Priest. We feared the worst when you

memory. He'd been unwilling to leave the nest to the point that he had suffered severe Mana Sickness. A gross oversight on his part. When the illness had started, he'd assumed it was due to an oversaturation of joy, but alas. Without the intervention of Coolant, he might have died down there, but he was saved when he was dragged to the surface by a soldier that gripped him around the waist with its mandibles. Almost all of the brethren who'd joined him in the nest had to be removed in this way, though his symptoms were by far

of his disquiet. As much as Coolant had wanted to keep it quiet, he knew of the great challenge that faced the Colony at this time, how could he not sense the tension that was in the air? More than anything he yearned to lend his support, to aid and abet the great Colony and the Great One as they fended away the evil

with impotent rage! Bursting with fervour and zeal with nowhere to direct it! If he didn't find a way to channel

through the streets of Renewal as he walked toward the church. Many people called out to him and he waved back to them with his remaining arm, stopping to exchange

word, haven't they?" Margaret noted with obvious pride. "I was worried that the newcomers wouldn't be willing to receive our

Beyn only smiled.

to one side where an ant was currently helping carry stone blocks for a new construction. The law court would be impressive when it was done. In Beyn's eyes this would be largely due to the way the building incorporated the Colony, with viewing hatches built into the walls, wide doors to allow them to enter and the ant designed seating Beyn had witnessed in the nest. In his mind,

and Margaret had to hurry to keep up with him as he strode toward the Church. The feelings of helplessness he experienced during his convalescence had built within him and he needed

building, the faster he moved until he had almost broken into a run, his eyes filled with the grand edifice that fronted the church. They had been truly blessed when they awoke one day to find an ant crafter had risen from the nest and taken an interest in their work. The congregation had watched with bated breath as the Colony member had inspected their own humble carvings, including the statue of the Great One that featured prominently inside. They were never able to communicate

he took in the sheer beauty before him. There were always people who gathered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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