
Chapter 642

I don't know what shocked me more, the fact that Tiny managed to land without getting himself killed, or that he actually managed to break through the layered shields and barriers of the Legion. Since he actually managed the impossible, I'm not about to let the chance slip by.

"GOGOGOGOGOGOGO!" I flood the tunnel with a wave of commanding pheromones that batter into the antennae of the ants behind me, driving them forward in a frenzied wave of insects.

[Crinis, I need you to go big on this one, alright? Keep your losses below fifty percent though.]

[I'll do my best, Master.]

Crinis acknowledges my order and I feel her gathering mana a moment before she slips off my carapace and into the shadows of the tunnel, vanishing without a trace.

[Go hard, Invidia! Keep Tiny alive if it's at all possible!]

[Hissss sssuffering will be mine!]

[Good boy.]

As Tiny's huge body slams down into the ranks of the Legion, dust and debris flies in a wide circle, obscuring the scene from my eyes. I can hear a ton of shouting, screaming and the omnipresent ring of steel. But all of those sounds are driven away by the piercing scream that detonates inside the tunnel. It's Tiny! The dumb ape has unleashed his primal scream in an effort to stun the Legionaries. Even more powerful than before, the waves of sound are enough to blow my antennae back into my carapace. I swear I can feel my eyes being pressed back into my head! What it feels like standing right next to him I have no idea, but it sure can't be pleasant.

for the Legion to

hoping that the scream was enough to keep my first pet alive long enough, I drive my legs even harder to arrive that split second faster,


falling in a rain on the massed Legion soldiers as I charge. Every little thing that can

Awww hell.


lines and the resistance is fierce, but my momentum is just too much to be stopped. I crash through the shields in front of me, sending soldiers flying as my legs scramble and I

the powerful soldiers around me, but I'll take anything I can get. Once that job is done, I continue flinging ice magic as I pick myself up to my feet and start chomping like a mad thing. Surrounded by stupid


blows beginning to rain down on my diamond carapace. If they are given


of them and throw themselves into the fray,

the hell are you?!] I

comes the roar back


find him. The battlefield is now a tangle of ants, Legionaries and shadow beast pets embroiled in a grand melee. I can't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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