
Chapter 664

Despite being surrounded by hostile monsters who, quite rightly, were more than a little suspicious of her, Morrelia felt more at peace than she had in a long time. The Colony weren't in the wrong, she'd known that all along. The problem was, she wasn't sure that her father was wrong either. In the end, she decided her conscience would not abide sentencing Anthony and his family to death on the grounds that they might do something in the future. So far, they had only been a force for good and until that changed, they did not deserve to be exterminated.

She knew what this would mean should the Colony turn against the Sapient races in the future. Given enough time, the ants would amass unfathomable strength and should they attack, Pangea would be devastated before they could be stopped. In the end, she had decided it was a risk she was willing to take.

[You really don't seem to care,] she said to Anthony, [it doesn't bother you that I betrayed your trust and joined an army that was fighting against you?]

The giant ant looked at her quizzically, his antennae twitching in the random way they did whenever he was confused.

[No?] came his voice in her mind. [Should I be? I mean, from what you've said, you haven't personally fought us, didn't pass on any intelligence about us and have given us a potential key to survival in this conflict. Rather than be mad, I think I ought to thank you.]

Those jagged mandibles clacked happily and Morrelia knew he was about to do just what he'd said he would and thank her. For some reason, she was unwilling to hear that.

[I didn't even tell you I was going!] she burst out. [I just straight up abandoned the village and the Colony! And for what? To turn around and attack the people I had wanted to save?]

All the guilt that the proud soldier had been suppressing came flooding out, surprising her with the intensity of the emotion. She seethed with rage and self-loathing that had piled up over the weeks as she'd supressed her doubts and fears about her chosen course of action. She felt so stupid now. The indecision and hesitation that plagued her seemed so foolish now, as if those feelings had belonged to another person. She realised her hands had clenched into fists that shook with the strength of her anger and she struggled to release the tension in her body.

[Sigh. Let me just roll over here a bit … Ahhh. That's a bit better.]

The giant ant in front of her scrabbled in the dirt with his still undeveloped right side legs until he'd managed to tilt his carapace to present his wounded side to the roof.

[You gotta keep the dirt out of it, you know what I mean? Clean wound is a healthy wound. I mean, not healthy, but better. Actually, can monsters even get infections? Is their bacteria in the Dungeon? I've never thought of that. Is there monstrous bacteria?! That would terrifying, holy moly!]

were you saying

particularly maddening because even now she couldn't be sure he was doing it on purpose. He was so young. It was easy to forget that some times. The voice that echoed in

Look, I really think if you want to make

to himself with all six legs, though three of them were smaller than the others,

I'm an ant now, I suppose. Family is everything to us. I mean, everything. If you told any ant here that you walked out on the village in order to be with your family and you felt bad about

resuming what they were doing, except now with a good dose of nervous energy added into the mix. After spending enough time amongst the ants, it wasn't too hard to pick up on a few of their emotional tells. The erratic, soft clacks of the mandibles, the incessant antennae cleaning and frequent flexing of the

you say to

them that rest

laugh bubble up

to mandate

get rebels

[What happens to them?]

father and mother. That's fine and totally the right thing to do. Could you have asked your dad to not

mother ordered that he

think he'd refuse to take the field just because

told Anthony what

[Yeouch. That's rough.]

saying that family isn't, but he has thousands of people, thousands of families to consider when making decisions. He

The ant nodded.

him. Now he has no reason to refuse to accede, given that it allows him to spare his daughter as well


even realise how strong they were growing up. It just seemed normal to my brother

[You have a brother?]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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