
Chapter 670

Coolant looked out from her perch next to the upper sally port of the great gate and felt nothing but confusion.

"Do you want to go tell him, or should I?" she said to Sloan who was clinging to the wall next to her.

The general shook her head, bewildered.

"I mean. They have to know, right? There's no chance that they don't know."

"I assume they know. I mean, what are the odds the two forces aren't communicating to this extent?"

"Almost none, surely. Such a lack of organisation in our foes would throw our plans way out."

"Hasn't this thrown them way out anyway?"

Sloan hesitated.

"That's… true."

The two of them looked out in silence for a few more moments at the totally unexpected scene before them.

"What do you think we should do?" Coolant asked, her scent as calm and unruffled as it always was.

"I don't know!" Sloan fretted. Why would these idiots perform this sort of moronic action now of all times? It didn't make any sense!

communication washed out over them, rippling through the ambient

one, a friend of that

a procession of golgari stood with one of their own forced to kneel on the ground at sword point whilst an elaborately armoured figure reclined in

have to mean the Eldest… Who else could they possibly want?" Coolant wondered with

percent chance that they don't know

one of the golgari wanted to kill another golgari for some reason, why not let them do it? One

some element at play that we don't understand," Sloan sighed.

true. For whatever reason, the Eldest gobbled down trouble like a Queen taking in Biomass. The end result was something good, but the appetite appeared to

want me to reach out to them?" Coolant offered. "I'll need to move a little

"I'll arrange an escort."

away and had a thousand ants ready to escort the mage closer


"What do you mean?"

of.." she counted quickly, "eight golgari over there. If we walk closer with a thousand, might they think they are being

thousand is too many?" Sloan rubbed the top of her head with an antennae. A thousand didn't feel like many to her. Then

and the delegation contained a healthy mix of mages, for raising shields, scouts, for detecting foul play, and soldiers, to hold the line in the event the others needed to retreat. Once they had covered half the ground toward the first gate, they very obviously stopped and parked themselves for a moment. Acting with great caution, Coolant wove together a mind bridge and extended it toward the trio of mages

you on behalf of the Colony,] she started off formally, [I have come to clarify exactly

other for a long moment before a reply

High Blade

rather taken aback by this. This guy came all the way out here chasing the Eldest? For what? Some imagined insult? She couldn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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