
Chapter 706

First of all, these stats are insane. Look at these numbers! It wasn't as if the Juvenile Colony Paragon had bad bonuses to begin with, but this is taking it to another level. It feels like what Granin told me is true, but more than that, I can almost sense the System, the bearded one, urging me to stick to a path and see the evolutions through. I wonder if there's another Paragon type evolution to follow after this one? If so, how far does it go?

Questions, questions.

Beyond the mandible clacking stat gain, the Vestibule being cashed in is pretty much what I expected. It's the defining piece of the Paragon evolution and a key element of the species that clearly is going to be built on. The main issue I have is that I don't know whether or not 'soul crystal' is any good, or if I should be holding out for better. It certainly sounds good. Souls are powerful… right? I've certainly not heard of anything like it. There's no obvious demonic link to tie this to the third strata, or the fourth to be honest. Perhaps Granin can fill me in… do I ask?

I'm not sure exactly why I'm as hesitant as I am to reveal information about my species to Granin, Torrina and Corun. I trust them, and after everything that's happened, they've thrown their lot in behind me to a degree that only fanatical cultists could probably justify. On the other hand, there are aspects to the Paragon that I'm not totally comfortable with, like the Will of the Colony seeping into me constantly, a process that will probably only get worse with this new 'Spirit Nave', whatever that is.

For now, I won't ask. Perhaps if I get further into the evolution menu, I'll be able to sus something out about the crystal.

Come on then Gandalf, tell me something about this Nave. You were awfully quiet about it in the description!

[The Communal Spirit Nave acts as a channel for the energy of the Vestibule, directing and focusing it, concentrating it into a more dense and powerful energy.]

Huh. Interesting. So it's like an amplifier for the regenerative energy that the Vestibule already provides? That's nice, I can handle that. Nothing too… strange… about it. For a moment there I was worried I'd be hearing the voices of my sibling's spirits as well as their minds, and quite frankly, I think that would just about drive me nuts.

What do you have to say about the Soul Crystal then, oh beardy boy of the bristling brows?

[Soul Crystal: An exceptionally rare material of pure condensed souls. Soul Crystal is the perfect medium through which to move spiritual energy.]

description, there really doesn't seem to be any tie to the third or fourth strata

have decided on my evolution,] I

Granin smiles.

going to assume it's the

I nod.

would love to know more about it, but I completely respect your desire for privacy. I hope you can give us some general information so we know what to

the general information, such as the stats, and make a few allusions to the

but I suspect that the reset I've been offered might be from the fifth

eyes go wide at that and Granin whistles

find higher up. Each level down is a real

me feel a little more comfortable and secure in my


confer for a few short minutes before

in mind the things we talked about and make sure you hit your stat goals. If you make it the values we talked about, you should be able to achieve what you want. The extra stats you get from this evolution help a lot and you can either put in the energy that we planned and push your numbers even higher, or

advice. Alright, I'm

that, I take a moment to admire the vast pool of evolutionary energy I have at my disposal. The core of Garralosh is paying dividends to me right now in the form

my bonus stat points. I've spent a lot of my Might on increasing my size, getting as many stats as I could at the expense of getting larger. This time I feel comfortable concentrating more on increasing the density of my musculature. As I spend the free points, I can tell that my size is still going to increase significantly, but the overall strength I can exert

amount of punishment I can take. The exoskeleton thickens and hardens, the chitin on my legs grows tougher and my internal body grows ever so slightly more durable. Next is time for a big spend. The first thing I do is make all of my brains mutable, all four of them. It takes more energy to do that than I expected, I think just because brain matter and neurons are so much more complex than something like muscle fibre or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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