
Chapter 709

The nameless one came back to herself precisely eight hours later, rested and refreshed. Truly the greatest experience of torpor could only be enjoyed here, on the fulcrum of eight amongst her fellow members of the order. As the rest of those on her shift came awake and began to move off their segment they greeted each other in the hidden language, signing with their antennae and exchanging plans for the day. As they passed the acolyte on the outer edge of the fulcrum they greeted her as she did them, exchanged a few signs with the now ending shift and then they were away, ready to start the shift.

The nameless one was eager to begin. Sixteen hours of solid work lay in front of her and it was imperative that she make a fast start. They never skipped their rest in the order, which meant they had to work harder, faster and more efficient than every other member of the Colony, otherwise how could they hope to police them? So it was that all of the newly awakened broke into a sprint the moment they were clear of the inner chamber, running to their assignments as fast as they could, vanishing into the Dark Passage and emerging from hidden exits all over the nest. The nameless one did not join them immediately. Her rank was such that she needed to make an additional stop before she could begin her work.

She rushed through the sanctum, completely soundless, until she came to a small, elaborately carved chamber in which an acolyte stood completely still. She approached respectfully.

The Eldest rests, she greeted the acolyte of shadows respectfully.

Eight hours a day, came the reply and both genuflected.

What word from the shadows? The nameless one asked. Is there a task?

There is, came the solemn reply. The many-headed beast has stirred against us once more, seeking to escape their responsibilities and our notice.


So soon? Are we sure of this intelligence?

acolyte eyed her

is not for us to question the shadow,

nameless one bowed her head in

The many-headed beast is cunning beyond compare, it has

and where do I strike?

been established and an acolyte of planning will meet

I go.

usually came up, but things had been hectic in the Colony lately, and many were beginning to push the bounds… They would learn, of course, that it was impossible to escape from the order. Though they slept the most, there were none who worked harder, of that, she was certain. Once more into the Dark Passage, the hidden way between the tunnels. Long had the carvers and mages in the order laboured on these narrow tunnels. Undetectable, devoid of light and intricate in their design,

went, so too

additionally tense in the Passage during the Wave, she had to constantly be on the lookout for monsters. Although she ran past a few, she knew that

her way amongst the descriptive carvings there. The entire ceiling was an elaborate mural, though she had met none who could claim to know who carved it, which contained many scenes radiating out from the centre of the chamber, each filled with breathtaking beauty. It was the outer edge of the chamber that contained what she sought, and

The croca-star.

nearby acolyte and greeted her. Genuflections complete, they began

to skip torpor and gather in one place, which will give us the perfect opportunity to strike, the acolyte

we know the meeting place? The

do not, though our every effort has gone into discovering just that. From what we have been told, the

beast grows ever more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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