
Chapter 713

Enid wasn't sure if the three gigantic ants were just humouring her or were in fact genuinely interested in the tea. She'd brought it along for herself, a long conversation, even a mental one, needed a good cup of tea in order to keep one's thoughts flowing smoothly. They were quite the curious trio however, so she had brought a few extra cups, the largest that she had, in the event that they might want some. Even so, she was most surprised when the Queen took up her offer, quickly followed up by the other two each requesting a cup.

So it was that Enid Ruther, retired merchant and mayor of Renewal, found herself pouring tea for three massive ants as they crowded around her table, watching her every move with agog fascination.

[After the brew has steeped for a while, the flavour seeps out of the leaves and into the water,] she explained, [usually it doesn't take long, but some plants require more steeping than others. Certain mana rich leaves might need to be soaked overnight, or so I've heard.] She shrugged as she carefully poured. [I'm not certain where your children managed to source this particular variety from, but the flavour is excellent, if I do say so myself.]

She poured a cup for each of them, ensuring that the pot didn't drip, then took a small pouch from one of her pockets.

[Would anyone care for some sugar?] she asked. [I managed to grab some from my hidden supply in my house during my last visit. It's a bit of a luxury, but an old woman needs to keep her energy up, so I say.]

The three ants looked curiously at the small pouch.

[What is this sugar that you speak of?] the Queen asked. [I do not believe I have heard of it.]

[Oh, I'm a little surprised to hear that, considering how the regular surface ants are crazy about the stuff. Though I don't know where you would find a source of sugar down here…]

Enid reached into her pouch and pinched a small amount of the tiny crystals in between her fingers and brought it out for them to see.

[It’s a flavouring that we make from sugar cane, a crop that is grown in some places on the surface. It's quite rare in these parts and I brought this pouch with me when I fled my home during the last wave. There isn't much left I'm afraid, but you are certainly welcome to try it. It has a strong, sweet flavour, so rather than eat it directly, we would normally mix in other things, such as a nice cup of tea, or something like these biscuits I brought with me.]

the giant monster loomed over her, the hidden

energizing. Like mana packed

are known to house a lot of energy, which is why I suppose most insects will go out of their way to hunt it down.

Queen jerked her head

wouldn't dare!] Her antennae swished with rage and for a moment it appeared as if she would stride over to Coolant and thwack her right there and

ants, [tiny little ones. They can smell the sugar from quite far away and will hunt it down relentlessly. As far as I know, no member of your Colony

(and Coolant)

like some sugar in my tea.

Enid happily mixed a generous spoonful into each of their cups, and then her

[Please enjoy,] she said.

realise that they had no idea how to drink, and were waiting on her to demonstrate. Chuckling to herself, she reached out and picked up her cup, gripping it by the handle and around the brim, which she brought to her lips

"Ahhhh," she exhaled.

to source these leaves? They were amongst the

their own, miniature drinking vessels. Enid had small, nimble hands, perfect for drinking from such a dainty vessel, but how were they supposed to do it? Their claws were strong, possibly too strong. If they tried to grip the cup and bring it to their mouths, they

never eaten any 'human food' before, only Biomass, so was quite unprepared for the flavour. At first she wasn't sure that she enjoyed it. The heat, the lack of meatiness, none of the tell-tale savour that Biomass provided. Yet, there was something compelling

it was intriguing. Enervating. She felt a slight tingle rush through each of her limbs

majesties find it?] Enid

so comical that she'd had to force herself not to laugh out loud. Now she wondered if she might have made a mistake.

her attention to

Enid, do these also contain

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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