
Chapter 722

Back to work then. No rest for the wicked, so they say. Not that I'm wicked. Whatever. Leaving the egg-laying chamber and embracing the rush of mana that comes once I leave the dungeon vein free zone in the heart of the nest, I try to get my bearings and work out exactly what I should be doing next. Quite honestly, there's a lot on my list. I could talk to Granin and the crew, get my bearings on what to do mutation and skill-wise going forward. Or I could go visit the other golgari prisoners, it's been ages since I dropped in on Irette Plamine and co. What the heck have they even been up to all this time? How do they feel about the golgari failing in their assault and being left behind? Come to think of it, what the heck are we going to do with them from here on out? Eh, I'm sure the council will work it out.

There's also White and Grey to think of. From what I've heard, Grey put on quite the show and absolutely humiliated the leader of the invasion during the siege, which would have been amazing to see. I should definitely squeeze in a convo with them before I leave the nest. I should probably check in with the council at some point also. I'm sure each of them are furiously busy, what with the wave and all that, but I've little doubt that there are things I could do to help them out. If I end up visiting each caste, I'm sure to wind up with a laundry list of tasks as long as my body. I could probably take the time to go and see the branchies again as well. They've proven to be quite a bit more powerful than initially expected and if we can get their 'mother' on our side then she would be an incredible ally. Not to mention it'd be nice to get to know another reincarnator such as myself. At least, one that isn't likely to kill me.

I'd love to hunt down that miserable worm while I have a chance, but I just don't believe that I'll find him. If he wriggled away and the golgari didn't capture him again then he could be anywhere. If my guess is correct, he's well beyond our reach, burrowed into the deepest darkest hole he could find, somewhere not even the Dungeon will reach him. Eventually the wave will end and he'll have to stick his nose out. When he does, we'll be there.

Gah! I'm getting mad thinking about that traitor, I need to get to work in order to distract my thoughts.

Our first port of call is to collect Tiny. After kicking the ape awake and dragging him out of his comfy nook by the leg, we set a course looping through the nest in order to visit all the individuals I need to catch up with. I find Grey and White meditating together in their chambers, as usual and I try not to cheese off the wolfish 'Folk' over the course of our discussion. As our chat winds up, Grey lets me know that he will be leaving shortly.

[Oh? Why's that? Our hospitality not good enough for you?]

what and where you are, our accommodations have been much better than expected. But it is time to return. White must complete her training journey and it will be necessary for me to provide witness to our leadership before they can make a ruling on the matter of your sapience.

a mighty change from the

waves a hand, a frown on his

experienced harsh treatment from the old. Only through many battles in which we proved our strength were we afforded the space to stand on our own. Although the peace has endured for many, many years, anger still runs deep on both sides and small scale fighting is incessant. You'll never truly be at peace with the old, but with time and further battles, you may be able to

come back and try again?! Don't

even White hides a smile

golgari, or either of them for that matter. There are plenty of others out there who are intolerant of your kind of life. In fact, once the word gets out, expect a horde of hunters to descend on this area to prey on your


He shrugs.


more. Her dream shattered, she's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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