
Chapter 739

The power I held, it was so great I couldn't see the whole of it, couldn't grasp the scale, so vast had it become I didn't have a reference point for it, a way to see its true nature. As it was, I came to understand what I held far too late to make a difference to the final outcome. I cannot blame myself. Nor do I blame us. What were we, except the victims of our conditions, living our goals and ideals as best we could?

I weep for those who were left behind, but I did all I could. As did we all.

  • Unknown.

It was always so damned hot down here. The wave certainly didn't help, the fire mana hung so thick in the air Alir could smell it, brimstone and sulphur tickling the edge of his nostrils with every breath. He coughed and spat, trying to get the foul taste out of his mouth to no avail, the spittle evaporating to nothing mere seconds after it touched the ground.

"Blast it," he muttered under his breath, stepping outside the inner chamber to try and get some air.

The acolytes outside stepped out of his way as he burst out the door, robes flapping behind him. They bowed low as he passed, their foreheads below the level of their waist, as was proper. Alir paid them no mind, such things were beneath his notice, instead he focused on his own restricted lungs as he marched through the temple and toward the front door, hoping to find relief.

priestess informed

"Demon?" he snapped.

Priest," she

his walk. A demon with a message usually didn't bode well, more likely than not it was a frivolous waste of his time for something only the twisted denizens of this place would consider important. The unfortunate reality was that there were some demons he couldn't afford to put offside, for the sake of the church's work here. Maintaining a cooperative partnership was a requirement

even more pungent than before. The demon city of

stuffy in the open as opposed to the enclosed inner chamber, although that may just have been his mind playing tricks. Regardless, he dragged in a few lungsful and spat once more for good measure. He knew very well that only the most trusted members of the church could be

from nearby and Alir turned to see a

No need to be

his taunt,

grin stretched across the creature’s face

beast was gone, it's wire thin limbs moving with uncanny speed to carry it away. Pride demons, he grimaced. They had a way of getting on his nerves. Thinking of the message that had been delivered, his mouth

day couldn't

the city, the winding path leading him ever closer to the centre of the disk of stone the city stood on, and therefore, to the pillar. The various denizens of the city, mostly demons with a mix of sapient settlers, moved out of his way as he stomped through their midst. Judging from the look on his face, the Grand Priest was in poor mood and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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