
Chapter 741

[Get him, Tiny! Hit him with the left! Then the right! Ooooo, here comes the C-C-C-COMBO!]

The big ape flashes a grin, more than a little happy with my ongoing fight commentary as he duels with the latest demonic offering from the third strata, a particularly nasty, snake-like creature with a huge number of clawed hands rising from its back to form a hood similar to what a cobra would have. It's the first of its kind that we've come across and I sent Tiny out to have the first crack at it. He's levelled his Skill significantly over the last few days of concentrated fighting and so far he's managing to more than hold his own against his opponent.

As he should! I don't care about this first strata is weaker than third strata nonsense, he's a full tier above it! I refuse to accept that we are significantly weaker just because we happened to be born higher up. I won't accept this prejudice!

[Get 'em, Tiny! Look for the upper, the upper!]

Totally unnecessary advice on my part, since Tiny is always hunting for that sweet, sweet uppercut. A few moments later, after a masterful feint, he finds a chance when the snake demon rises above him, either to bite or perhaps grapple with the ape using its many clawed hands. Big mistake! Light on his feet as a dancer, the giant ape glides forward one step, his body held low, hands in close to the chest as he drops his centre of mass and begins to rotate his shoulders.

Here it comes!

His hands flash with light as he activates his Skill, forming a giant fist of pure energy that manifests in front of his own. In one burst, his wings unfurl to their full length and he leaps, springing up from the ground as his fist extends, sending the punch straight into the chin of the looming demon whose head smacks straight into the roof of the tunnel with a thunderous crack, the stone above its head splitting on impact.

Groggy from the blow, the snake-thing reels, trying to put some distance between it and the furious ape-boxer but Tiny is having none of it. Shoulders forward, he charges with surprising speed, his wings beating a powerful rhythm to give a boost of acceleration. As he closes the distance, his fists come alight with chittering electricity that ripples down his shoulders and coalesces around his hands in a near blinding light.

cheer from

hands flickering as he punches with maximum speed. Still recovering from the previous blow, the snake struggles to react, trying to swat at the gorilla with its tail but failing to push him away as he lays blow after blow into its body, each one discharging a potent jolt

job, Tiny! Drag that thing back this way, we'll get some Biomass out


twisting or bending monsters into shapes they were never intended to be. I can see the fear effect trigger in numerous enemies, sending them scurrying in terror from the dark orchestra that Crinis is conducting. When it comes to thinning out large groups, she really is in a

Can you cover us whilst we retreat back to

[I will!]

[Alright then, let's go!]

inside, turning over the defence to the detachment of soldiers, scouts, generals and mages placed here. Healed up and rested thanks to us taking over their duties for a few hours, the ants look fighting fit and eager to get back to work.

not level eighty, Master,] Crinis reports mournfully, [I have gone passed

you Tiny?] I

between shoving huge mouthfuls of Biomass into his face, just waggles a hand back and forth to

of fighting we're doing, there are simply too many weaker monsters to boost the two of them much more quickly. If it weren't for the juicy xp they were getting from

keep grinding at this until you two are both the same tier as me. We aren't going to fight in the third strata until I'm confident that all of us will be able to survive down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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