
Chapter 745

The days of the wave rolled on and the mana level continued to rise, increasing the spawn rates of monsters throughout the Dungeon to an absurd rate. Every hour, thousands of newborn monsters clashed in the tunnels around the Colony, warring and fighting, the losers feeding the winners who grew rapidly in strength, feasting on their lessers. A hundred thousand tales of victory and death were woven every day in the area just outside the Colony's defensive line.

Not that it mattered. The monsters from the deep were rising, crushing those from above and pressing onward, desperate to escape those from beneath who drove them from their territories. They savaged those weaker than them, absorbing their power and seeking more until they inevitably ran into the iron wall that was the Colony.

Hundreds of defenders manned fortified chokepoints, bombarding the encroaching beasts with acid and spells until they fell on the ravenous jaws of the soldiers. They never fought an even numbered fight, always dividing the enemy and destroying them with overwhelming force before turning to the next. Should the pressure become too great, they would fall back, retreating to another prepared position, with a fresh wave of troops ready to fill the breach. After gathering their strength, the ants would shove back the wave and retake the outer wall, reinforcing it again within the hour.

On and on it went. The wave was relentless, but so was the Colony, and every day that passed, their numbers grew. And grew.

Organising it all had been enough to drive Victor to the brink of exhaustion, but as the days ticked by the Colony defence practically ran itself. The local generals were intelligent and capable, experienced in the ways of the caste after fighting off the siege, they hardly needed input from herself or Sloan to run their checkpoints. As new recruits graduated the academy, they slotted into the existing structures with barely a ripple, the size of each garrison growing every day.

Which is why she found herself on the front line, providing buffs and taking her turn in the line to fight. Without the need for her at central command, what other choice did she have? Sit around and do nothing? Don't even suggest it!

"Big push coming!" she called back to the line of mages and scouts behind her, "Brace! Brace! Brace!"

The massive soldiers, with their thick carapace and huge frames, packed themselves tightly together, covering the narrow entrance they defended from every angle until she could barely see past them. Activating her aura gland along with her commanding presence Skills, she did her part to coordinate the troops, make those last second adjustments before contact.

charge, smashing into the ants with concussive force that rippled through the air and blew back the general's antennae.

three! Two! One! PULL!"

waiting scouts and mages. A huge volume of acid, fire and shards of ice were hurled into the teeth of the horde who recoiled from the barrage, all

"BRACE!" Victor ordered.

monsters pressed back against them once more. They endured

will pull, rotate and heal! Be ready!" she shouted, watching the narrow chokepoint with an intense


out as much damage as they could, a team of healers rushed forward to minister to the wounded, pouring their healing energies into them to help them recover in as short a time as possible. Despite the constant stream of acid and magic being blasted through the narrow gap, monsters still manage to press closer to the opening, only to be dragged through and set upon by the waiting mandibles of the

roared out


back to eat and rest. Several of the Soldiers sported semi-severe injuries, their carapace unable to hold up to the constant beating. They'd need a day of healing to be back to full strength, most likely, which meant Victor would be short a full complement of Soldiers for the

snapped out a quick salute to

one right back, "come to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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