
Chapter 752

Our charge continued unbroken until we reached the second defensive line, the monsters in our way were unable to stand before our might. Once we reached that point, I sent my three pets forward to defend the choke point as the Immortals and I collected ourselves. Unlike me, most of them were exhausted after the mad run and in need of a breather.

"Are you guys going to be alright for the second charge?" I ask Leeroy. "We can do it without you if necessary."

"We'll be fine!" she replied, her scent strong and confident despite her drooping antennae and shaking legs. "The Immortals will never give up a chance to fight!"

"Aren't you just anxious because they haven't been letting you fight for a while now?" I ask, sceptically. "Doesn't matter I suppose, you'll have some time to rest so recommend you all take a load off your legs and relax for a little while. We'll be heading out again in about half an hour."

Filled with relief at the chance to take a break, Leeroy and her followers collapse to the ground with a loud 'clank!' as their armour rattles against the hard stone. It's quite the amusing sight, especially when compared to how fired up they were before our charge started. A few minutes later, a detachment of defenders arrives on the scene, getting to work cleaning up and re-establishing their post here. Some things need repairs and a team of carvers jump to it, fixing damaged stone sections of the chokepoint and re-hardening the stone. When the soldiers move to relieve my pets of their job holding off the wave, I shake my head at them. Tiny and Crinis are still a little ways away from their evolution and this is another good opportunity for them. I'll have them make use of it to the fullest.

"You can take over from us once we push out for the first line," I tell the waiting general. "For now just make sure the tunnel is clear and check over the Immortals for injuries, as you get situated again. We'll be here for a half hour or so."

Not tired at all, I wander this way and that, checking in with everyone and making sure that every ant has the help that they need to perform their duties before heading over to the chokepoint and lending a hand to my crew. It won't do to tire them out too much, considering we have another stretch of tunnel to push through. Once we're done here, we'll have to move to another checkpoint and do the same thing. This lower section of the territory suffered the most during my absence and I'm determined to push back the wave in one fell swoop to make up for it.

After ten minutes, I make my way over to Tiny and Crinis to help them out, using my elemental magic to lob a few cheap shots into the crowd. That sweet, sweet combat experience is nothing to be looked down on! A cheeky level here or there and who knows, I might manage to rank up my omni-elemental magic sometime in the next century.

time half an hour is done, the ants have finished repairing the walls that we feel comfortable turning the defence over to their hands whilst we prepare for the next surge. I head to Leeroy who's still collapsed on the ground and nudge her with an

or do you want me to

as she and the rest of the Immortals slowly pushed themselves off the ground, overtaken by a sudden and unnatural

and a thousand more! The search is

"Okay, chill!"

These siblings

have a little time, we'll form up and get ready to run out. One way

good," the revived

quick check on Tiny and Crinis to make sure they're still prepared to bring the firepower that we


cry, setting my

wave once more we go, putting mandibles and carapace to the test as we smash our way through monster after monster, once more forming that unstoppable landslide of the Colony's wrath. Nothing can stop us! Nothing can

Except that.

am. My antennae tingle with a feeling of otherness, something I'd never felt before. Perhaps if I hadn't reforged those delicate sensors with the Twilight Filament, I may


I simultaneously roar

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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