
Chapter 757

[Hmmmmmmmmm] the big tree blinks at me slowly a few times, as if surprised that I still exist rather than focusing on the question that I asked it.

I wait patiently whilst he inspects me but my patience is quickly running by the time he finally gets around to talking again.

[You look different,] he observes.

[Obviously, I've evolved!] I explode at him. [Can you explain to me why your plant-based parent is sprouting willy-nilly and soaking up gross mana around the place?! Do I have to ask every question three times or something?!]

He blinks.

[No.] He says finally.

I take a breath.

[So why aren't you answering my question then?] I grate out.

He looks at me with an almost palpable sense of pity.

[Because mother finds it amusing and so won't let me answer.]

The leaves and flowers that sprout from every surface around us seem to wriggle with amused joy and I slump where I stand.

[This might not be diplomatic of me, Mr Grove Keeper, but your mother is a massive pain in the thorax. Is she always like this?]

The tree nods in understanding.

this, and we know. I ask that you be patient with her.

rustle angrily and the

more, but I think I might be

stillness and the giant tree

be why she is reluctant that I share, but I do not see the harm in a little truth. It is an extension of trust

olive branch? I can

smiles wide, the bark on his

[The Mother tree is very sensitive to mana, her roots can sniff out changes from quite a long range, and her roots spread wide. When

does your mother have roots through? And that massive thing I ran into was a tertiary?

The Grove Keeper chuckles.

attempting to describe it to you. As for your other question, I will not reveal much other than to say that it is likely less than you think. Our Mother is not a normal tree, but rather a monstrous tree, thus she does not follow the same set of rules

the Grove Keeper once again holds up his hands in


again but I can tell they aren't happy.

this particular brand of mana, I don't even know what kind it is,

I do not speak overmuch. Suffice to say, Mother is an expert when it comes to containing and eradicating this particular form of

branches around

finds it delicious,] the Grove Keeper

I raise an antenna.


[Yes,] he nods.

Mother Tree doesn't need water to survive, right?

[This is true.]

I don't see is nearly as many Bruan'chii. There are a few here and there, tending to the plants, engaged in what appear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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