
Chapter 760

The master spoke long with the stone people and Tiny did his best to pay attention. What had been done to his core seemed to help his concentration, and he was able to follow the conversation better than before, but he still felt a little itchy all over, but there was nothing nearby for him to hit. All that he could do was sigh and flex his fingers into his favourite shape: a fist, lamenting the noticeably less bulging muscles in his forearms as he did so. He just had to be patient, he comforted himself, soon he would be larger and more bulgy than ever before. Then he would hit things harder than ever before!

[In terms of resetting body parts, I highly recommend going with bones,] the rock man was saying.

Bones? Tiny snorted. If he was going to make any part of him more powerful, it would be his muscles!

[Why the bones specifically?] the master asked, [I'm pretty sure Tiny is going to want to make himself stronger more than anything, so wouldn't his musculature be a better idea?]

Tiny felt a small bloom of joy within his chest. It was nice having a master that understood him so well, even though they did keep Tiny from fighting all the time.

The stone man frowned and shook his head.

[Why do you think we have bones in the first place?]

[To hold you together? I honestly can't even remember what it felt like to have bones on the inside. I'm probably not the right person to ask.]

[Look. Muscles need something to attach to, that's true for you as well. When our muscles flex and contract…]

Tiny knew about flexing! He hunched his back and brought his arms forward to accentuate his chest and arms. The other two ignored him.

[… they are moving something. And that something is your skeleton. Or carapace.]

[Right. I'm still not getting why the bones need an upgrade before anything else.]

better material, then spends a ton of his evolutionary energy

master assured

He would.

skeleton can withstand. He either won't be able to use his Might properly, or he will literally shatter his own bones

sounded like he would need to make sure his

Tiny,] the master said, [you're

he understood the point, then decided to give a thumbs up

having you be smart enough to listen this well,] the

rock man said, [Lightning Fist Apes just don't live

grumbled, patting Tiny on the arm with

He felt really twitchy though. He glanced around a little then slumped. Still nothing

harder! He turned around and followed the master out of the chamber and back to the space in which they were

below twenty, got it? I want you alive long enough to reach tier seven, not running up to an ancient and trying to punch it in the eye. Keep in mind what Granin said about the bones, and… just make sure you're happy with your choices I

thin arm and hugged the master to his

Just make sure you use the manual evolution, alright? I know it’s a pain and there are so many options, but

chamber. If he was going to be evolving, he'd need to make sure he was comfortable. With a thought, he activated the System menu, a broad grin stretching across his features. He would grow bigger! Stronger! And when things got in his way, were annoying, threatened his master,

you like to use the evolution

the maximum level for your current species. Evolution will allow you to change your

fewer rewards

evolution options are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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