
Chapter 762

With Tiny and Crinis asleep in the evolution chamber, I feel as if something of a weight has been lifted off me. Not in the sense that I don't have to worry about them anymore, I'll always be worrying about them, but it's nice that they're going to be as strong as I am now. With a group of potent, maxed out tier six monsters running around together, we'll be able to fight off the depredations of the wave far better than before, and even the threat of a tier seven rising to challenge the Colony isn't as threatening as it was only a moment ago.

The two of them are now surrounded by the soft glow that heralds the beginning of their change. From this point they will undergo the metamorphic process of growing and becoming something entirely new. For this evolution, it's likely to take a day, perhaps more, so the question is, what do I get up to in the meantime? With the ape and the murder-ball out of action, it's just me and Invidia.

[Well then, it's just you and me chief,] I say to the hovering eyeball, [I think these two are going to be just fine here on their own, considering all the guards the Colony has in place. Why don't you and I head into the Dungeon and cut loose for a while. You can finally get some experience for yourself!]

That massive eye flashes with green.

[That would be pleassssant. I have yearned for my sssssshare.]

[I bet you have.]

Come to think of it, isn't it sort of nasty to force a Envy Demon to sit around watching others get something that he's forbidden? I've made him float about healing and shielding as he watched myself, then Tiny and Crinis soak up all of the experience right in front of him. In hindsight, it seems a bit rough. I say a silent apology to my loyal pet as we make our way through the tunnels and out into the open spaces outside the nest. The farming of the wave continues at a furious pace out here, thousands of workers rushing this way and that, carrying loads of cores or piles of biomass for distribution or storage. The sheer volume of resources being pulled in is boggling to the mind, making our first farming effort seem like child's play. With any luck, this spree will fuel the Colony for months after the wave has ended, providing the raw materials necessary to raise the next generation even better than the one before.

I should check in with the core shapers at some point also. I know that they sent out hundreds of teams to farm outside the boundaries of the Colony in the upper second and lower first strata. Hopefully they manage to stay safe out there. Raising pets is an expensive and trying ordeal, so I know what they're going through.

Eventually we reach the front and after a short wait, we get ready to push our way through the outer wall and into the Dungeon to face the wave. Before that, I decide to chat to Invidia about strategy.

[Well, this is your moment to do as you please really,] I tell the demon, [we can start funnelling experience into the two of us, so I guess it doesn't really matter who's doing the most damage. You can just cut loose and let the enemy feel your wrath.]

no wrath,] he corrects

feel wrathful ever?

[It'ssss a demon thing.]

don't bring the tunnel down or anything like that. Use your eye laser if you want to, just, again,

[Isss there anything elsssse?]

think for

really. Let's get to it!

[I sssssshall!]

hard for them, but whipping together two separate spells with two different types of mana just makes me feel giddy inside. My dream of ultimate magical power is nearly achieved! Soon I'll be throwing out dozens of spells at once, using four or five different mana types! How do

just as excited as I am, his eye practically glowing with eagerness as he pushes forward, pelting the first monsters in front of us with a magical barrage of ice, fire and explosions that practically dissolves them on the spot. Then it turns


Invidia! You aren't holding

no need

laugh. [Go for it

to form detonation after detonation that rock the air and send shards of stone flying everywhere. It's like an artillery barrage has landed around us, the noise, light and devastation are savage. Into the mix I throw my own shards of ice and jets of flame, roasting or spearing everything that manages

Biomass, shards of ice and superheated rock. Invidia chuckles to himself, an eerie 'ssssshhh ssssshh shhh' sound, before his teeth unveil themselves from thin air and he flaps his way over to the Biomass and starts chomping. Not far away, we can hear the tide of monsters swelling again, it won't be long before we

to go full force for a change?] I ask the

almost purrs, [I have been waiting to takessss what they had for myself, for sssso

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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