
Chapter 776

The third stratum remains a point of fascination for many researchers due to several of its unique properties. For similar reasons, the various powers of the world make it a priority to establish and maintain vast swathes of territory within this region of the Dungeon. The first reason for this is obvious: the world pillars. To my knowledge, no successful attempt has ever been made at destroying one of the vast columns that support the overworld. Whatever material they are made of, it certainly isn't plain stone. There have been many who simply sought to mine or study it, but even with advanced tools they were unable to so much as scratch them. Which isn't to say that we know nothing about them. The outside of the pillars appears to be a layer of self-regenerating stone, similar to Granite, with a very high resistance to temperature.

This outer layer can be removed with some effort, only to reveal the black rock that lies within. It is this stuff that none have ever damaged, though it's possible that the secret has been uncovered and is held very close to the chest by those who have it, since such knowledge would surely shake the world. It isn't known if the black rock, which is known by many names, is even the final layer, or if an even greater secret is held within.

Just because none have ever damaged a pillar, doesn't mean that the many nations of Pangera don’t fret and worry that it is possible. For this reason, securing the pillars that support their own lands is seen as a key plank in any policy regarding the Dungeon. Not that this is easy to accomplish. Proxy wars are constantly being waged, attempting to seize control of a rival's columns, threatening to cut Dungeon empires in half by cutting the depths from the surface. This is without the constant threat of the demons themselves, the other fascinating aspect of this stratum.

Intelligent, vicious and capable of forming rough societies with shared interests, the demons are the worst form of barbarian tribe, capable of forming their own self-governing cities, kingdoms or even empires. Their inherent nature makes them shaky allies at the best of times who are equally as likely to act against their own interests as they are for them. The prodigious spawn rate of larval demons means the population is essentially inexhaustible, with new powerful leaders rising from the sea of larvae to replace the old within days.

During a wave, this process is exacerbated a hundredfold. Almost all major upheavals within the third stratum occur during these events.

  • Excerpt from 'Musings on Mysteries' By Elric the Wild Mage.

Morrelia vented her frustrations and mixed emotions on the blameless monsters until the bodies were piled high and she could no longer raise her blades. Exhausted and numb, she stumbled back to the camp, stepping aside so that fresher warriors could take her place.

The demons were strong opponents, without the advantages of her Legion issued Abyssal Armour, or her new enchanted blades, she'd be overmatched easily. With them, she was able to cut through most of the opponents she faced in the third stratum so long as her rage burned hot.

it to the seventh rank only recently. Such power came at a cost though, she could only maintain that level of power for a short period of time. Without triggering her rage,

come naturally to most people, which naturally made them unsuitable for the Class. As a child, her impatience and drive fuelled her anger, alongside her natural short temper.

out of things to be angry about. That is, until her father

mother had given her some advice on managing her rage, cultivating it like a

breath after a sparring session, "but that doesn't mean it's strong. Think of your anger like coals, deep in the heart of the fire. People get distracted by the flame, dazzled by it, but that isn't where the heat is. Even when I'm calm, or bored, or happy, deep in

and one of the strongest women on the planet. A natural born berserker who had once managed to fuel the rage

about it, she found her way into a tent and fell into the nearest cot, once again failing to undress, causing the wooden supports to creak under the weight of her metal garments. She was so tired, she wouldn't have noticed if

cook had left the stew on the boil and she was more than happy to ladle herself a generous helping, only bothering to pull her helmet off when she realised she couldn't shove

clean yourself up a little before we get

not pausing in the slightest as she continued to stuff her face. As always, her father

some fighting?" she

was," he said and sat

assume your weapon isn't as clean as the rest

a pot of stew and

was," he said between mouthfuls, "but like a dutiful legionary,


"Classing up," he said.

She groaned.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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