
Chapter 780

The thing about the tunnels in the second stratum is that they're freezing cold, like really cold. What's more, when you get this deep, they reek of death mana, which when combined by the near total darkness makes them a rather unpleasant place to be. It's like being in a graveyard at night where it's permanently raining. As an insect, I can't say that this is the most pleasant environment for me, though I don't suffer as much as a regular ant would.

I mean, if us monstrous ants were that susceptible to temperature, the entire Colony would have gone straight into hibernation the moment we got too cold.

With the rising mana levels of the wave, the stink of death, which is usually more of a background scent, has risen to be an all-consuming assault on the senses, magical and mundane. Even worse than the smell? The monsters.

[Watch out behind you Tiny! You can't just hit 'em once! You need to turn them into paste!] I yell at the ape.

With a surprised grunt of irritation, Tiny turns around to see that the zombified mountain of flesh he'd thought was finished had gotten back up again to try and claw at his back. Hands igniting with energy, the giant ape unleashes a flurry of punches so fast his hands blur and the air comes alight with fists formed of his energy that pummel the monster into a blob, but he doesn't stop until he hears the notification, whereupon he nods to himself in satisfaction before flicking the muck off his fists.

I thought I'd seen the worst of the death monsters the second stratum had to offer, but I was far from correct. The generic sort of monster that housed death mana that we'd encountered was usually little more than a shadow beast that had a few too many bones sticking out, and more guts hanging out than one would expect to see. These types though?

[Invidia! Gimme the boom!]

[Yessssss! Give me your screamsssss!]


The monster I had gripped in my mandibles, pinning the serpentine creature covered in writhing strings of guts, detonates right in the middle, sending a shower of gristly guts flying through the air. The monster shrieks in what I'm pretty darn sure is not pain as its face of exposed bone tries to take a bite out of me. Oh no you don't! Eat flame! A burning jet of pure blue fire ignites in front of me and burns the creature's face as I apply more pressure with my mandibles.


burns it away and voice of Gandalf rings out in my head at last. Gah! I'm sick of these damn zombie monsters! They're so damn hard to kill! It's not like they even regenerate or anything, they just don't stop! Slice one in half, it keeps on moving. Blow them up? Still moving. Just like in the classics, the only way to finally get them to stop is to destroy whatever houses the brain, be it the head or

darn pains

a handful of monsters. Gweheheheh! Yessss! Burn for me! Won't be long until that pupa hatches and I have a new little

still swarming on

you able to get rid

them off, but they're still

Holy moly!

you need to

way through the crush of monsters by herself. After all, mass de-limbing is something of her speciality. When I get there I see a wall of tentacles thrashing and twisting around hundreds of monsters, each roaring and tearing with maddened fury. In the

bad the last few days, but this is just

Crinis! I'll

[Got it, Master!]

constructs and residual fire mana, I task all of my minds with one particular job: drawing out and crushing my gravity mana. With all of my brains working together, we can crunch one together pretty darn quick! Standing still, I allow Crinis to protect me as she works double

minute later, doom announces its presence to


of the way

of death. When the

are you doing on flesh,

[I'm getting low.]

low. It won't be long un-… what

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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