
Chapter 788

"Get down from there you little varmint!" I yell.

"What even is this thing?" she yells back, still scurrying about on top of the gate as she pokes and prods with her antennae inspecting every nook and cranny.

"It's some sort of spatial gateway that allows instantaneous travel across vast distances and we are trying to learn how it works so we can link our nests together. Now get your butt off of there before you break something!"

Reluctantly, she starts to climb down, still excitedly examining whatever she can.

"You can practically feel the power rolling off of that thing," she exclaims when she finally reaches where I'm waiting at the bottom. "It's incredible! Why doesn't it work?"

Her question catches me mid-thwack and I pause before regretfully retracting my antennae.

"A big part of the reason is that no ant has managed to unlock the Spatial Mana specialisation Skill. Upon learning that skill, and then on ranking it up, knowledge of how to create and utilise spatial mana constructs will be granted by the System and by studying those we are far more likely to be able to understand how these things work and then build our own."

She looks confused.

"We didn't build this?" she points at the gate with one claw.

"Of course not. If we could already build them, how would we not know how to get them working? Obviously this gate was made by others and we are trying to unlock its secrets. It isn't enough to learn how to operate it. We need to learn how to construct our own and operate those. Only then will we be able to establish a gate network throughout our territory and connect our nests."

"Why is it so important to connect the nests?" the hatchling asks.

stepping forward from beside me to address

further, much faster without running the risk of being unable to support each other. It will be like every nest, no matter how far, will be no more than a few steps away from every other nest. We can never be trapped, never be sieged,

work out how they

chip in,

she announces, "I bet it's

This hatchling…

hear boasting without results to back it up," I poke her with an antenna. "There's a hundred ants in here, all of them older and stronger than you, and

hatchling running around telling them

you'll see," she brushes my antenna off angrily. "I'll be

start powering up the gate and you can take a look at

That'll be cool,

up. Slowly at first, and then with gathering speed, the matrix starts to draw in mana at a prodigious rate, pulling in the energy from the air until the entire gateway is shining brightly to my mana sense. The more energy that gets packed

leaks it back out into the air at a slow pace until nothing remains within. When all is said and done, the

at how much mana

the current hypothesis is that the reason no ant has been offered the Skill is because none have a sufficient mana pool to access it,

not a bad theory

core as soon as possible and

denied that Skill for the same reason. Only time will tell. Once I’ve mastered Mind Magic to the point I need it, I'll be able to go shopping

with excitement. "Did you feel it?

she wants answers to her questions, but tough luck for her,

of your business and nobody knows.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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