
Chapter 793

The hatchling continues to ruminate over her choices, being far more diligent in perusing the menu lists, looking for combos and asking clarifying questions than I ever was. Not that I had anyone to ask at her stage of evolution! I was a solo Dungeon monster, dammit! Kids these days have it way too easy. But I suppose that's a good thing, I don't want them to suffer as I suffered. Otherwise what would be the point of all that we've achieved? We continue to feed her experience and Biomass as she narrows down her options over time.

As he'd been doing diligently the entire time we'd been in the Dungeon, Tiny continues to watch over her with a keen eye, making sure that she doesn't come to harm, or try to escape. In fact, the escape attempts have dropped to nothing over the last little while. Perhaps now that she feels that she's finally progressing she doesn't feel the need to be elsewhere.

She remains endlessly curious though, asking an endless stream of questions and inspecting everything we come across for herself, refusing to take my word for just about anything. Whenever I give System advice, she always attempts to double check it in her menu, going so far as to make sure she takes a bite out of everything we defeat in order to unlock as many profiles as possible. No matter how small or fiddly the detail, she's keen to absorb and understand it, quite different from Vibrant.

And me…

But I think it's a good thing. If the second champion in the Colony ended up being as empty headed as Vibrant, we'd be in trouble. Although that's not really fair. Vibrant is far from stupid, she simply doesn't sweat the little things, she knows what she wants to do and she goes out and does it. I'm looking forward to seeing what she'll be able to do once she reaches tier six. I expect a truly ridiculous level of speed will be achieved at that point.

Naturally, it doesn't take long to raise the hatchling to level ten and stuff her full of cores and Biomass so that she's ready once again to evolve. Feeding her tier three monsters one after the other certainly takes the time out of it. The downside is that she's only had a few hours to consider her options and what she wants to be in the future, but there's little that we can do about it now, it's time to go for it!

"Alright then little one, here's the special core I've prepared. Make sure you're completely ready before you absorb it, otherwise you'll have to put up with the pain of it longer than you otherwise would need to."

She nods, looking sombrely at the glittering core.


She nods again.

turning my back on. When I make a choice,

long as you excel in the thing that you

for information and knowledge is behind her hesitation. It's not that she actually wants to be everything, she just wants to experience it, to know what it's like.

recommend that you take something that you can shape a little more to your own desires. I can't be sure exactly what special options the System will offer you, since in part it's based on things that are personal to you, but you should get an option that appeals a little more closely to


back in

From you?! Are you

fault if you don't do

Absorb the core and crack on,

she immediately begins to consult her

guard duty Crinis! You know what to

we get back to doing much of what we were doing the last time we were in this position. For me and Invidia, that means more mental warfare. Trying to crack through the little demon's mental defences is impossible, he simply has too many threads running at once, hitting me with a dozen attacks even as he weaves an intricate layer of protection around his own mind, rebuffing every packet of mana I send across the bridge between us. It's completely exhausting and if we weren't still in range of the Colony, I wouldn't be able to keep it up for long. Thankfully the Vestibule soothes my tortured brains and drives away my headache, keeping me in the

is a good

Mind Magic Affinity (IV) has reached level

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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