
Chapter 796

It takes a few days, but we finally make it down here. The remnants of the wave are still visible in mana levels and spawn rates that are higher than they otherwise would be, but the never ending streams of monsters bursting from the walls of the tunnels are no longer to be found, which is nice. To be honest though, the spawn rates and mana levels have never really returned to what they were when I was born. If I had to hazard a guess, after the first wave, the mana level never dropped back down to what it would normally be, and this time is likely to be the same.

Are we going to experience a series of waves that will push the mana level higher each time? Is that a normal sort of thing? Somehow I doubt it. Whatever is going on doesn't appear to be what would be considered part of the 'normal' cycle of mana in the Dungeon. I can't decide if this is going to be a good thing or not. The higher spawn rates and frequent waves are only going to push the Colony forward at an accelerated rate, so long as we remain strong enough to protect ourselves.

[You guys ready for this?] I ask my gathered friends.

[Ready, Master!] Crinis assures me.

[I am alwayssss ready to take!]


[Seems good. Let's see what we can see then.]

"Wait a minute! Wait for me!"

I turn around impatiently.

"Come on, Brilliant! What the heck have you been doing back there?"


slow are

few days old! Unlike an ancient

call me an ancient," I glance around shiftily, "that word

trying to stop herself

it to you later, but yes, I get your point, I am very old compared to you. We'll take

[Quick break everyone.]

his now accustomed rest position near Brilliant, making sure the

strata! You're going to be the second ant in the Colony who gets to see this. Aren't you excited?

am…. I'm just….

you pretty

the Exo-Skeleton defence Skill through repeated impacts whilst making the young ant Dash to avoid getting entangled in a constricting mess. When she failed to Dash in time to avoid her clutches, Crinis made sure she

you to start working on what you really wanted to be doing, mana manipulation!

into her eyes, "I have bought

use them as much as you possibly can until your headache gets too bad. When that happens, let me know. You need

of self-preservation abilities doesn't mean she'll be able to

there anything you can tell me about the third stratum? So that I can be forewarned?" she

them. The primary elements are fire and ash, although apparently there are other variants as you get deeper. The whole place is very open, almost the entire thing is considered to be one vast expanse

city of

not suggesting that we go and pay a visit, but I'd like to get a bit closer and lay eyes on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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