
Chapter 800

"Get back here!" I grumble at Brilliant, "if you don't behave yourself, you're going back in the mouth!"

She freezes in the process of dashing off into the city and turns back towards us.

"Do I even fit in there anymore…?" she asks doubtfully.

[Invidia, show her the mouth.]

He does.

"I see that I would indeed still fit…" she says, the scent faint.

"Yes, yes you would. When it comes to mouths, Invidia is ranked second in our group behind Crinis in terms of size and believe me, you don't want to spend any time in there."

"Why is that?" she asks, her curiosity overwhelming her good sense… as usual.

"Because everything that goes in there is slowly annihilated, disintegrating into tiny molecules that are then digested. She doesn't even need teeth to shred her food."

"That's… horrific."

"I think that's the point. Anyway, before we run off into a strange city full of demons that we don't know anything about, how about we stick together as a group and agree on some simple ground rules?"

"Ground rules like what?"

that I can sense right now is at least tier six. So, to almost every monster in here, you are a snack. Try not to get eaten. Second, let's try not to antagonise anyone, pun not intended. I'm pretty sure the city lord would be more than happy to destroy us if we give him a chance, so

"Crystal!" she nods enthusiastically.

alight with the promise of new knowledge, I just know that this is

I sigh, "let's

the hatchling carefully. I get the feeling she'll try

in his eyes. I hope it'll be enough. There's a slight gap between the wall that encircles Grokus'

or any sort of planning having gone into the layout of the city that I can see so far, which correlates to the obscene tangle that I witnessed from above. It looks as

different shape or size than the one before. The demons come in a seemingly endless variety of types and even if some are similar to each other, there are almost always some differences that can't be put down to mutations alone. Compared to the uniform appearance of my own family members, besides the obvious differences between the castes, this is almost a ridiculous level of diversity.

I thought there'd be a lot more demons

[I do not know.]

it doesn't



the heck is

rapidly. To the side, I see that Tiny has leapt forward and snagged Brilliant off the ground before she could make a getaway, although she was heading toward the

cautious… let's go

react all that much to the disturbance, seemingly far more interested in us than they are in whatever caused it. Feeling my tension unwind a little, I nonetheless keep my guard up as we thread our way through the buildings toward the source of the noise. A few minutes later we find what we're looking for in the form of a large, brutal looking demon dragging away what appears to be whatever

or at the very peak of tier six, judging by his core. Clearly a physical build, he was as bulky as Tiny and just


disappointed, relaxing from the impressive pose he'd

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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