
Chapter 814

After collecting a few choice cores and chowing down on Biomass, all we could really do was shrug and get back to business. Even so, I can't help but feel like this incident is going to come back and bite me in the backside somehow. At least this time I can proudly wave my antennae and declare that it wasn't my fault! How am I supposed to know some random pride demon is going to get it in his head to attack me? There was clearly no getting out of that situation.

Now, where were we?

[How far are these tunnels, Al? It's getting hot out here!]

That's a lie. It's constantly been hot out here.

[If you find the temperature disagreeable then it may be a good idea not to descend any further. The heat will only increase.]

[I'm guessing that you don't have an issue with it…]

[The portion of my body that extrudes into this dimension is comprised of 65.37 percent heat energy. It does not bother me.]

[Invidia, when you evolve, try not to become a floating eyeball of fire, alright? If you really want to pick an element, do earth or something.]

[Hisss flame isss powerful. I wantsssss it!]

[It literally doesn't matter what he has, you'd have wanted it anyway! Just consider, alright? I don't want to drag this kind of heat through the entire Dungeon! I can't even sweat!]

Ants aren't particularly good at temperature regulation internally. Although some colonies are incredible at utilising the flow of air within their nests to control the heat, basically building automated air conditioning systems to make sure the inside of the nest is never too hot or cold and ensuring the air doesn't become stale. Pretty clever for creatures with a brain the size of a pinhead!

Of course, our eternal foes the termites are the best at this sort of thing. Those blind little bugs create enormous mound nests that can bring fresh air all the way down to the heavily protected nesting chamber of their massive, chonky queen.

[Alright then, where to now?] I ask.

to the tunnels is

ever-burning corona to our right and so

already. Are entrances to the tunnels that rare? Seems

from hyper concentrated sources of fire mana between the layers. The tunnel entrances are gaps in the flow that are safe to traverse.

as we push our way through the ever-shifting carpet of infant demons I

you may as well get out here and answer a

me as light as a

"Do I have to?"

I'm not going to talk to thin air when I

usual, her posture is a little shrunk, as if she were still trying to hide despite being in plain sight. I wonder if they bother to train their stealth skills at all, considering they rely on a powerful organ

down protocol'? This a change in the

She shifts uncomfortably.

with a precision strike, and therefore cut down on the risk that you'll be exposed to, it will be beneficial

you guys get some experience and Biomass on the job," I

often, which many

those concerns with a

killed, right? You have to expose yourselves at points in order to perform your role at all. It's just a question of working out when and

twenty follow me around won't be as much of a pain. It's nice to have more ants to talk to, for a start, something I can't

Speaking of other ants.

spit her out,]

are joined by a rather bedraggled looking hatchling. Brilliant gives herself a quick shake, much like a puppy would, to rid herself of the envy demon's excess saliva before

"Oo! What's all this?"

than five seconds, she's already spotted the carpet of demons crawling around our feet and pounced on one, holding down the struggling creature with her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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