
Chapter 822

I knew that the Colony would make a move to conquer a portion of the third stratum, it's practically a requirement for us to grow enough that we will be able to survive, but I didn't think it was going to start this soon! Holy moly, they must have worked themselves half to death up there! Smoke is rising from inside the city already, I can only imagine that the fighting has begun!

[We need to get up there squad!] I holler at the others. [We need to hustle up the pillar!]

I immediately begin an all-out sprint in the hopes of joining the Colony in their fight as soon as possible. If they're going to take down a demon as powerful as Grokus, they're going to need the tier six firepower that my pets and I can bring!

[Perhaps it might be time that I offer my assistance?] Al breaks in, appearing beside me even as I sprint. [There is a faster way to reach the city. We can fly.]

[YOU might be able to fly,] I grate out, [but some of us aren't multi-dimensional beings of almost pure energy! I'm an ant who turned down wings when I evolved! Multiple times! I definitely cannot fly!]

The giant eye flickers.

[Ants can fly? Fascinating.]

[Not all of us and not all the time, but yes, there are ants that fly and IS THIS REALLY THE TIME?]

[Ah. It is not. I do not mean that you need to fly, but that I can create a force platform to carry us. I will likely need your pet demon to assist me to carry your combined weight, but I believe it will be possible.]

I point out, [he's not just

[As you say.]

direct my attention

make a force platform, or something, and he says you need to help him out. Make it happen so

[It shallll be donessssssss.]

screech to a halt and the eyeballs confer silently for a few moments before a shimmering disc of mana solidifies in the air before us. Scanning it with my senses, I can tell a tremendous amount

can manipulate this thing

confirms, [although shifting it with so much mass standing on it will strain me greatly. With the assistance of… Invidia, I will be

On we

and jump onto the platform which immediately sinks a little under our weight. I shouldn't be surprised, the two of us combined must be well above ten tons. In fact, I don't want to know how much I weigh, I feel like it would be hard for me, a former human, to accept

due to the System allowing monsters to pack their muscle fibers closer together than would normally be possible. If I ever reset my musculature, I can only imagine how tightly packed it'll all become. The weight to performance ratio will become insane. Well, even more insane. Honestly,

Since it probably is.

brain power to managing the disc, Al is able to lift us bulky monsters off the ground and the disc rises into the sky. Slowly at first, but with growing momentum, we float upwards towards the city above. It's a strange sensation and not a little unnerving to be honest. I can partially see through the disc, which doesn't help things. Luckily if I tilt my head back a little, I can barely see what's going on at my feet zone so I can distract myself and avoid thinking

tang of a formic barrage in the air. Smells like the Colony has subjected the city to a massive bombardment of acid to soften it up

much power flowing through

at least, it feels that

That means going after the heavy hitters, of which we have two main targets. Grokus and Mongi… guy. Let's call him Mongo. Both are tier seven, which is higher than us, if I need to remind you. When facing either of them, we need to proceed with extreme caution. Gang up on them. Kick them from behind. Strike from the shadows. I don't care what sort of

help in this,] the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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