
Chapter 827

[How's it going over there Tiny? Crinis?]

[We'll win, but it's going to take time!]

[Take care and make sure of it, we don't need to rush!]

I don't think… although, looking at Grokus as the massive demon looms over me, that I'll be able to finish this quickly. If the gravity bomb doesn't manage to inflict massive damage on him, then I have no idea what will! I pull back a little from the city lord, giving myself room to plot my next manoeuvre. The area where I bit him has already healed, if I damaged him at all.

[You're actually a tough nut to crack, aren't you Grokus?]

The huge demon swings his body around to face me head on.

[Food is strength in this world. How can anyone be stronger than me? I've been consuming hundreds of Biomass a day for longer than you've been alive, and you want to challenge me? You're weak! Just another snack!]

don't we find a tier eight demon

practicing his Skills instead of sitting on his backside eating. He'd be so much more powerful, pushing his abilities to a new rank, training new Skills that might help

shaking with every step, [all that food

and we can see if I

second that passes makes my gravity

waiting for my antennae to tell me how he's going to reach for me. The closer he gets, the sharper the pain in my stomach

why I can't see anything! The moment I make the realisation I shift

my claws into the ground. Shifting directions for a mass of my size isn't easy and my muscles and joints scream as I push them to their limits

snatches at the air I occupied only a moment ago. It's only a glancing blow, but deep grooves have been cut into my diamond carapace. This is first stratum versus third after all, I can't expect too much.

and locking my mandibles into place. Hopefully


away rapidly as I pump my jaws with insane speed, snapping them shut five times in a second before I jump away, not giving the huge demon a chance to recover his balance and grab at me again. The five chomp combo is just about as much as I can manage at the moment. Luckily I have so

heck is this guy made of?! He might be a tier above me, fine, but there's no way he can take

your place yet, insect?] Grokus practically purrs in my mind, [if you're smart, you should crawl back up to where you belong. This is the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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