
Chapter 830

In desperation, I turn the final stages of forming the gravity bomb over to my main mind, the only brain I have that specialises in handling gravity mana. I can immediately feel the difference, but I still need the support of the sub-minds to keep things flowing as I continue to piece together the biggest bomb I've ever made. When I let this go, it's going to get messy around here…

"Back off a little more!" I warn the Colony, "make sure you get a solid grip on something!"

After a moment I add.

"That goes double for you, Protectant! Create some space and hold on tight!"

I've no doubt that my defenders have been hovering closer than they should be against a foe like Grokus, and the odds are that they've taken a good chunk of damage from his aura effect just trying to stay near to me. Claws crossed they take my warning seriously, it'd be a massive waste of the Colony's resources.

[Unleash your spell!] the city lord taunts me as he rumbles forward, each step causing the very rock beneath our feet to crumble. [I almost hunger for it! I hunger for your despair!]

Enough of this guy's freaking mouth already! Sharp pain stabs through my insides as I skitter out of the way of his grasping hands, prompting me to activate my healing gland once again. The soothing liquid regenerates my missing health in short order but the rate of decrease is continuing to ramp up. Eventually I'll run out of juice and be eaten up from the inside out. This is one heck of a nasty power!

But I won't have to worry about that… I hope. My gravity bomb is ready.

behold the condensed ball of mana that I've created. It practically pulses with dark light, the only thing in the stratum with a larger appetite than the tier seven demon

that hungry, chew on this!] I yell as

hard as I can. Even so, I feel my weight lift for a horrifying


it flies through the air toward Grokus' waiting maw, creating a gale that shrieks from every direction. The light itself dims to almost nothing as the gravity bomb passes near, sucking away everything it can. Bounding forward to close the gap when I launched the spell, the city lord grins wide as he sees my spell unleashed. Sensing the sheer volume of mana packed into it, he folds himself up in a defensive curl, wrapping

a feeling he might do this, he wants to take the spell head on and come out standing on the other side, relying on whatever strange resistance and regeneration he has to pull

pinpoint of darkness before it expands into a raging sphere of destruction almost twenty metres in diameter. The pull is horrendous, dragging stone, ash, fire and anything not nailed down toward the centre of the bomb where it will


before, reality itself seems to scream as the ground shakes, the air shrieks and light fades away. All I can do is bury my head and grip with my

he is with a resistance to magical effects, there's no way you can eat a gravity bomb this


don't know how or why, but I know that my opponent isn't dead. Without the notification from Gandalf, he must have survived and I need

alive, but he probably would rather not be. What remains of the city lord is a twitching mess with a rather large hole chewed out of the middle. I find it shocking that he's actually still living in that condition. A few chomps ought to put an end to him. I approach cautiously, but without much concern, he doesn't even have a mouth anymore, what sort of harm can he really

eyes. Starting at the base, but shifting rapidly up the body, the entire form of the city lord

my two pets. [Hit him with everything! He'll be

run forward, locking my mandibles into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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