
Chapter 832

The immediate fallout from defeating the city was a little odd as an experience. The remaining demonic residents of Roklu were a little bewildered by the whole experience, and some were less than pleased at being ruled by monsters from so much higher in the Dungeon than they themselves, but those opinions were soon changed by the overwhelming numbers and might that the Colony brought to bear.

You might be a high and mighty tier six demon from the third stratum with nothing to fear from a tier five ant from the first, but you better believe you have something to fear from a hundred thousand of them! Demons are smart enough and are capable of acting quite logically when not in the grip of their own particular obsession, so the writing was quite clear on the wall to the majority shortly after the conquest was finished.

Shortly after Grokus had been defeated and I was sitting atop the resultant Biomass recovering, Invidia and Al made their way back to us. The two of them look particularly smug, especially for a pair of demons that ganged up on another to achieve their win.

[Everything went well on your side?] I ask the pair of them.

[Sssssatisssfactory,] Invidia purrs.

[Indeed. I am pleased with this outcome,] Al declares, his voice as flat as usual.

[You don't really sound it. In fact, you sound completely bored.]

[With my mind now freed from the concern I have carried for decades, I am at last able to pursue my desire for knowledge to the utmost. I am ecstatic,] Al says, his voice totally devoid of emotion.

[I could almost believe that you were making a joke. So no issues with big Mungo?]


[That's the guy.]

the aid of … Invidia, we were able to overcome his defences at the final moment. Without any help, I fear I would have

was trying to hunt you constantly is dead. What are your plans going forward? As you

eye of fire watches me for

have been able to harvest a great deal of fresh information from you in exchange for mere scraps of guidance. This is

for my opinion on the matter… welcome aboard I

play in that process, I'm not sure. I could probably just keep exploring, wander around the tunnels and grind for levels and Biomass, the hunting down there was quite profitable for me. Someone should investigate the deeper layers

to mention attending it. Sigh. I really don't like getting bogged down in the administrative details, it certainly isn't my strength! I guess it wouldn't hurt to check in with Granin and the crew, see how things are going about the place. We also need to work out how we'll manage to keep the peace in

and eat Biomass. I'm interested to check out the core that Grokus left behind as well! I know his core is close in quality to my own, but perhaps he managed to tip over the line to reach the level above rare? Only one

think we're in the clear," I tell the ants around me. "May as well dig in once we get

snaps out a salute with

"As you say, Eldest."

the heck is

opens his mouth and spits out a shivering little

see through space…" she

Come over here

"Oo! Food!"

have, is if we're going to be able to administer and recruit a population of demons. They might be a bit nuts, but they're certainly powerful. If we can add them to our ranks and have them work with us, rather than against us, that'd be a

here and get some chow with us?

flares with energy

be delighted to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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