
Chapter 842

I don't recall seeing this before… if that's because I wasn't looking for it or if it was unlocked somehow… I can't be sure. Being able to detect Gravity? In what way? As in, the strength of the gravitational field in any particular area? Or from a specific object? Or both? Or neither? The description provided by the System is vague at best. I nervously eye the entry for a few long moments. On the one hand, I want to take it. This may help push my way to unlocking the gravitational mana speciality that I want so very badly, but on the other hand, it might not. And then what? I'm stuck with this sense that I don't even know the usefulness of?

Let's not forget, I already reset my antennae! I'm not resetting them again! If I end up picking this mutation, then I'm going to be stuck with it forever, most likely. Argh!

After several long minutes of agonising back and forth, I decide to stop thinking so hard and go with it. I committed to gravity early on with my choice of free mana organ and I'm not leaving it behind now. Who knows? With a little luck, it'll turn out to be useful in the absence of the mana speciality and I won't regret this choice in any way. Without too much hesitation, I ramp it all the way up to +30 choosing to diversify my two separate mutations rather than emphasise one over the other.


Moving on! Think, but not too much, that's my policy! With my Vestibule, I'm keen to keep rolling down the path that I've embarked upon. Using the energy to supplement my physical strength has been a huge help in the clinches when the Colony is around and gives me a massive leg up when I want to frontline, which is usually all the time the way things are at the moment. Getting those free stats has been juicy to say the least. Sure, it detracts from my regeneration, but it's not like it cancels it out.

I'm fairly confident in ramping that mutation all the way to +30.

And finally, we come to the Nave. Right now, my Purifying Spirit Nave is concentrating and enhancing the energy it receives through the Vestibule, which goes on to fuel my regeneration or strength, so it magnifies that effect. I wager that if I were to have another organ added to the end of the Nave then this enhanced energy would have an even greater effect.

be a three-parter, from the moment I saw the

meant to come next! Which means I will step into my

and mandibles that will enhance my incredible diamond shine, then I'm almost certain to take it, consequences be damned! Alright then, with the Nave I'll continue on the path that I've already set down. There's still a chance that I'll end up resetting the

organs from +15 to +30 for the low, low price of

already?! Is this some sort of joke?! Damned greedy and despicable

grind my frustrations out. Obviously levelling up means spending huge amounts of Biomass, I should know that by now. I can't have

eleven will give me enough to upgrade… three. Darn

concept of disregarding my mandibles and instead upgrading my coordination cortex, but I end up disregarding that. Although I fight with my minds just as much as the rest of me, the mandibles will always hold a special place

organ to take from +25 to +30. I could always do eyes, but I'm not doing too badly in the overall 'senses' department these days. I need to prioritise staying alive more than anything else, so a more combat oriented choice makes more sense to me. Inner Carapace Plating seems like a sensible choice, although the regeneration gland has proven its worth. Hard to go past legs… more speed

think on it too

I currently have a few things going on. There's the infusion mutation, the savage mutation and from that point on I focused on the infusion aspect, which I'm yet to really test to the fullest extent with all the elemental

final upgrades look like

Collective Will Vestibule +15 (Soul Crystal) -> Might Infusing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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