
Chapter 844

When I eventually wake it's to find that the rest of the group has already completed their mutations and that Crinis has extended herself into a wall between me and everyone else. Preserving my modesty in my most vulnerable moments. What a good companion she is!

[Thanks Crinis.]

I mean that sincerely, with all of my soul.

[You are welcome, Master.]

I slowly pick myself up and this time it’s a little more disorienting than usual. I stagger to one side before I manage to gather my balance and freeze for a moment. It takes a few seconds for me to work out what is giving me such trouble, but once I do it starts to make a little more sense. The antennae. When I upgraded to Twilight Filament, I did so because the description spoke of how sensitive they were, and I'd hoped that sensitivity would translate to the future sense, since it's essentially changing the antennae to 'detect' more sensory information. I've done the same again, but this time made them able to detect gravitational waves and they are doing a damn good job of it from what I can tell.

It's like… I'm not even sure I can describe it. I can feel the pull of gravity not just through my body but to an incredibly fine extent through my antennae. And not just the gravity that is affecting me personally, my physical body, but in an area around me. Naturally that pull is downward, toward the centre of the planet, but there are vibrations and fluctuations that perhaps someone with greater understanding over how these things work could explain. On top of that, the two mutations are functioning together, so not only am I detecting the gravitational waves as they are, but also as they will be a few moments in the future! Gah! As I twitch my antennae, its startling to realise that I can actually sense the very tiny fields being emanated by my companions. Tiny's stronger than the others, but even Invidia's is large enough for me to detect. Perhaps I'm also sensing the mass he has stuffed away in his pocket dimension?

It's bizarre and a little nauseating, but I'm hoping that's a temporary side effect, otherwise I've just mutated my way into trouble once again. No worries, I'll get used to it. Other than that, there are other differences as well. It's easy to forget sometimes, that upgrading an organ does produce a small overall performance increase. In this case, taking my Vestibule and Nave from +15 to +30 at once, apart from the changes brought on by mutation, has produced a noticeable and startling effect. The amount of energy pouring in through the Vestibule has increased significantly, the range at which the organ is working has increased along with the amount of energy collected. The Nave is flooded with that Will and is condensing and purifying it to the point that it feels like liquid gold as it eventually floods into my system. The feeling is incredible, to be honest. I feel refreshed, energised and uplifted as the Will of thousands upon thousands of my siblings flows into me.

With a start I jerk my mind away from that path. I know from experience that sinking down into the thoughts and desires of my siblings that flow through me is a trap that it's hard to get away from. I've been disciplined about it lately but it'll take some time to adjust to this new level of intrusion. Still, it's nice to see that the improvements have been worth the rather massive investment that I made.

they were before. I'm going to have to test them with every type

levels and Biomass. I've got a long way to go to maxing out for tier six and I'm sure that

pets each acknowledge my words in their own way, for

able to move around much

"I-I think so…"

that sure but looking at her I can already tell that a lot of the

ready to reach tier four, because we aren't stopping until

"Tier four?! Already?!"

to wait around, you need to get

"I can too!"

on then, let's get

sense monsters through it so long as they are within a certain

chomp it to the point of giving her a notification. Then

go much deeper we would break through to the next layer,] Al

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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