
Chapter 850

The shadow falls like clouds, like rain;

Creeping dread begins to stain;

Shudder the heart, freeze the brain;

Ring out the laughter, again and again;

Call of you lover, daughter, son;

Sinks into your ears, your will undone;

Forward you step, your soul is wrung;

Cannot resist, Gon has come;

Who can defy that fateful call?

Who can escape the shadows pall?

Forward you go, heedless to stall;

Into the depths to meet the fall;

Lament the brave and pity the meek;

None can flee the song of the freak;

  • Rinnidan children's rhyme.

and she had integrated into the Legionem Abyssi a part of him that had long been dead was once again full of life. Not that anyone could tell looking at his face, of course, to the world at large he appeared as stone faced and duty bound as ever. Ever since Morrelia had been selected for accelerated development his pride had almost been ready to burst out of his chest. It would seem odd to most people, but watching her earnestly work herself

had grown easier to bear over the years, but only a little. His acute awareness of how fleeting joy could be only made his current appreciation for his daughter all

desk. Administrative work was the backbone of the Legion, and though he would rather charge into a horde of demons without armour

his new Legion after the members had been recalled from their postings during the wave was a monumental task. Thousands of soldiers and thousands more auxiliaries needed to be accounted for, equipped, fed, billeted and kept happy. Promotions, training, Skill development, Class upgrades, managing morale, all of it demanded the careful attention of the commander in charge and Titus knew

fist down on the table

Aurillia burst through the door, his old comrade looked around the room as if

old friend and superior, she froze when she saw the hard lines of

in a breach

prepared to face his wrath if the moment demanded it. After a long moment where he took hold of his

and finding it difficult to concentrate," he admitted as

the Dungeon?" she grinned. "I know how proud you

Titus frowned.

I'm proud, but that doesn't mean I want

young lass? Why would we?" the old tribune

"Hmph," Titus snorted.

and she is clearly pushing up against the boundary," Aurillia grew serious as she laid out her concerns. "We've seen her stumbling into camp once every

Titus didn't blink.

she say?"

it was her decision and the rest of us should leave off,"

"There it is."

daughter we're talking about, don't tell me that

but that didn't mean he got to overrule

"you don't know what it takes to

is insane! She

will support her choices. She understands the risks and is willing to shoulder them. I will hear no more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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