
Chapter 854

As we move through the narrow and boiling hot tunnels we start to see evidence of the demons' passage in the form of littered Biomass and visible signs of damage on the walls. Claw marks, deep gouges in the stone and even scorches along the floor, not an easy feat in this lava filled place. Whoever we're tracking must be packing some heat, in the literal sense.

[Tiny! Try to keep it down!]


[Shhh you damn ape! We're trying to be sneaky right now!]


Despite having the stealth abilities of a mack truck that's been loaded on a train, Tiny does seem to understand my point and stops randomly punching the walls whenever he gets bored. Having inspected his core, I know he followed the directions I gave him pre-evolution and ensured that he remained at the level of Cunning that I insisted he not fall below, but I swear to Gandalf he acts even dumber than that when he can get away with it.

It's as if he would rather be stupid so he just shuts of enough brain to achieve the desired level of dumb. Next evolution I'm going to insist he set his Cunning to fifty! He can discuss philosophy instead of punching walls all the time! Hah!

"Down this branch. I don't think we're that far behind them," Brilliant tells us.

"Great work. Keep your head down for the next bit, I don't want you getting caught up in the fighting."

[Brilliant says we aren't far behind them now, so we should be ready to fight at any moment. Anyone in particular want to go in first?]

Tiny's hand shoots up.

[Anyone else?]

Despite wearing armour, I still don't want Tiny to throw himself in the line of fire. He's not a tank and he never will be. The only real candidates for going in first are me or…

[I don't mind,] Sarah says. [I-I guess there's no better way to get used to fighting demons than to throw myself into it, right?]

to worry, we'll all be here to back you up. You aren't going


running support. Al, you hang back and keep an eye on the hatchling, we'll reserve you for our trump card in case

will watch the

I have a thought.

make sure she doesn't get hurt.

[I see.]

bead on the targets. The first sense to trip is actually my antennae. The monsters don't necessarily emit that much gravity, but even those tiny fields are enough to

Two hundred metres, maybe less. Keep an eye

[I will!]

A few minutes later.

see them! Seven demons! Some of them are

me suppress our

despite his greater brain power. Al on the other hand, is a freaking expert. The guy spends most of his life floating about completely undetectable to everyone around him. If I hadn't repeatedly stressed how unnerving and creepy it is having him pop out of thin air all the time, he'd

manage to dim the glow of our combined cores to a significant degree, allowing us to sneak even closer to the

peak and tell what sort of demons you see. I want to know if there are any exceptionally dangerous

before (I assume) he wanders to the edge of the tunnel and has a look around the

a pride demon who I

[Why always pride demons?]

seem utterly incompetent to me. Overconfidence and arrogance are quite literally their defining

types of demon who cares about leadership. Most others cannot

makes a lot

along with a blood demon. There is also an envy demon and

demon? I don't think I've seen one

to kill. I do not believe we will be able to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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