
Chapter 857

[I am really sorry about that.]

[Hey, don't worry about it. You've apologised already, I'm fine, you're fine, we're all fine.]

[I mean. Sure, but I still feel bad. Is there anything I can do?]

[No, seriously, it's already healing. There's no issue here.]

Calming down the rampaging Asura bear turned out to be easier than I thought. She might be an unstoppable killing machine when she gets going, but she's still limited to the strength of her tier. Between Tiny, Crinis and myself, we manage to slow her down enough that she eventually came back to herself. I mean, I did get bitten in the process, but it's not too bad. My legs grow back fast and I'm pretty nimble on five anyway. It was the deep grooves she managed to cut into my carapace that I found more frightening. That's just with her jaws, imagine if she got a full swing with her claws?! Scary…

Once we managed to subdue the bear and she calmed down, it was time to harvest our gains, consume the Biomass and decide what to do with the grudge demon.

[They are an interesting type of demon,] Al remarked. [They aren't exactly impossible to destroy, but it is extremely difficult and involves spending far more effort than is usually considered worthwhile.]

[When I bit it I felt like I'd chomped nothing at all, then I got hit with a curse that made me feel super weak!]

[Yes, that's right. The grudge demon is quite weak, but if you 'destroy' it, then you will be hit with a sapping curse that drains your strength for a time.]

[The ultimate sacrifice play…]

[Well we may as well send this creature on its way.]

So saying, Al enveloped the little demon in a pillar of flame before detonating it and dispersing the grudge.

[What the heck?!]

back from that. Of course, this means that I will suffer its curse for longer, but it does not affect my mental abilities so I shall be

but somehow I find the grudge demon quite scary. So

a grudge

hard to kill, examples who have managed to reach tier seven

I hope I never meet

we clear up the battle site we gather

hunting parties sent out from Orpule and tangling with them was no joke. That proves two things, that we were right to be cautious and that we were right to hunt them down. If the Colony has to deal with these dudes themselves then we are talking about a

tier six. I can't imagine what the tier seven

these tunnels to see if we can find any other groups and then check back in with Vibrant. We know three groups came out in this direction so I'd like to find at least one more before we

think they might have gone

my antennae. [It's possible that they

of these groups left

Emilia. They've


can. We have two days before we need to regroup with the Colony so we need

able to do that, you're missing a

back in a few hours, I've mutated specifically for

to grow your legs back faster? How often

than I'd

managed to keep her head down and not run off for once during the

job helping us track these guys down. Now I need you to

really think you're going to be

I'm going

the little ant looks back and forth.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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