
Chapter 859

I have seen many things, dear readers, been to many wild wonderful and dangerous places, but even I felt a moment of trepidation as we passed between the legs of a giant carved statue of an ant and the hard stone closed around us. My two guards and I had now left the world of the sun behind us and delved within the nest of the Colony. I have to admit that this is the first time in my long life that I've willingly plunged within a nest of monsters, though my apprehension was somewhat mollified by the smiling guide at my side and the children running before me.

"Was that statue another depiction of the… great one?" I asked my guide, Emilia, mainly to distract from my feelings of discomfort.

The young woman chuckled a little before replying.

"Although there are many, MANY depictions of the Great One, that statue is an exception."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. That was a memorial placed in memory of Grant, one of the first twenty ants of the Colony to be raised by the Great One, and who sacrificed her life against Garralosh, helping to bring about that monster's defeat."

"Sounds like quite a story."

"Yes. I was a young girl then, but I can still remember the sounds of battle from the shelter where the children were kept. When we finally learned that it was over I almost couldn't believe it would be possible, that this beast who had destroyed kingdoms was defeated by these ants."

We fell into silence as we continued to walk, the path sloping downward at a steady pace before it turned to the left and began to spiral. We'd gone down perhaps a hundred metres before the tunnel opened into a wonderfully pleasant welcoming chamber, with human attendants, comfortable chairs, thick woven rugs on the floor and core enchanted lighting along the ceiling.

"This seems… oddly luxurious," I murmured.

comes to their own accommodations, they usually don't have rooms of their own but sleep in designated chambers

the room, but returned a few moments later holding a tray laden with a teapot, cups and delightful little cakes. Such a sight warmed my heart dear

the comfortable chairs and enjoy our snacks, which I did! I was halfway through the delicious cake when a realisation struck me. I turned to Emilia to see her

made by the ants," she

"Even the tea?"

"Especially the tea."

  • Chapter Seven of 'Traveling Tolly in the lands of the Colony' published

were now dotted throughout the city, giving the ants a fallback position and safe firing platform. The pillar above the city now sported similar protected hollows formed by bonding stone to the harder material of the pillar itself. Any approach to the city from the air would be subject to a bombardment of spells and acid that would

these home ground advantages would be enough for them to utilise the sheer

of members of the Colony remained within the city, dug into position and ready to fight at a

preparations?" Advant asked, crawling up into the central compound where the general

done. The last few days have been hectic, but I think


knows how much is riding on this. With the Eldest personally involved, everyone is more than prepared to give their

contingencies be enough to handle

Victor shrugged her antennae.

have done everything we can to minimise it, but an element of

wish you all the best. If all goes well, I'll see you when the column returns with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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