
Chapter 866

The Immortals thundered through the wide streets of Roklu, a tidal wave of chitin and steel that seemed to rattle the foundations of the world itself as they ran. How many tons massed their combined charge? Who could say, certainly not Leeroy, who ran deliriously at the head of their flying wedge formation.

"This is it my sisters!" she roared, blasting her pheromones wide as they ran. "We run in the darkest hour! We run to bring glory! Immortal no more! WHY DO YOU RUN?!"



Within each and every carapace covered abdomen the hearts of Leeroy and her loyal adherents beat with wild abandon. Before them lay the mightiest foes the Colony had ever faced. Dreadful in their power, fell in their purpose, the demons would slaughter thousands should they be left unchallenged. Each and every one of the Immortals knew that they would pay any price to prevent that from happening.

Although, to tell the truth, they yearned to pay that price!

Surely now they would fall! Though this select group had been raised to the sixth tier, they were not as mighty as the Eldest, did not possess their wisdom or strength, so how could they hope to prevail against such dreadful odds? They wouldn't, they couldn't! But with their final breath they would drag their enemies down into the abyss with them, saving their family and freeing themselves.

Despite their weight, the ground was eaten up quickly by their furious charge. The prospect of imminent death spurred them on to run faster than they ever had before, charge more desperately than could have been previously imagined. Soon, the target of their wrath was in sight.

The demons did not appear overly special when compared to the others around them, not much larger, nor much more powerful than the rest of their group, but the evidence provided by their sister was all the Immortals needed to commit themselves wholly to the fight. They would not take a backward step!

"Brace!" Leeroy roared and the ants to her left and right lunged forward until their armour had interlocked with hers.

the sensation that their wills had truly become unified. Were she to lift her legs from the ground the unstoppable momentum

fire and bring them down

moment the wave of furious insects had appeared. Amongst them, the two most powerful had sneered, despite the forceful charge of the insects they felt no fear. No longer constrained, they allowed their power to swell, blanketing the area with an aura of violence and

sign of fear, whereas in reality the Colony was simply making room for what was about

sign of their power, the two tier seven demons stepped forward boldly, willing to take the charge of the Immortals head on. A curious decision. When the two sides met the sound of screeching metal and shattering stone sent the hairs on Sloan's antennae dancing all the way back

then punched right through it. The weaker demons were reduced to a fine mist as Leeroy and her sisters perfectly executed their final surge, combining their Dash and Charge Skills in one ecstatic surge. With the force of an explosive harnessed in insect form, they ran straight through their foes before collapsing in a tangled heap on the

It's not

injured, some limbs had been shattered at the moment of contact of the collapse afterward, but all had to be put aside so that they might finish the fight. For she was not wrong in her assessment, their leader. Though wounded, their two great foes had not fallen in the initial charge, and now the irate demons sought to exact terrible vengeance upon the

the battle began in earnest and Leeroy, the most battered of all the cadre, felt her veins blaze with joy as she stood, her helmet twisted across her head, before she once again raced forward to join the fray. Mandibles flashed and snapped as the two mighty demons roared, spitting

causing significant injury in the initial charge, the ants lacked the speed and power necessary to contend with enemies such as these. The monsters danced amongst the ungainly armoured figures, slashing with wild abandon as they sought to end

brought low so easily! The more they were wounded, the more elated they became! As their HP dropped

fire in their veins grow ever hotter, for they knew that which their opponents did not! Without conversing, without collaborating in any way, it so turned out that all ten of them had taken the same evolution at tier six. The System had looked into their souls and seen that they were worthy, and so had bestowed upon them a most powerful evolution, with an organ that would

the strength in her limbs was fading, Leeroy could feel it within her now, pulsing with power that only grew as she drew ever nearer to death. Only when she breathed her last would it unleash its full might and pull these foul creatures who sought to bring

snapping their mandibles with ferocious energy which seemed impossible to snuff out. The two combatants were incredibly aware of the

they could not afford to let these undying insects exhaust them further. Acting as one they marshalled their remaining strength and unleashed a devastating wave of power, a combination of fire

wave of peace wash through her being the likes of which she had never felt before. With the last of their strength, the Immortals dove forward into the expanding sphere of destruction in order to bring themselves

peace!" Leeroy flung one last message to her sisters before each of them

its radius had been reduced to a smouldering heap of slag. Drained, but victorious, the two demons surveyed what remained of their foes, little more than mounds of smouldering Biomass and superheated metal. They had no time to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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