
Chapter 877

The history of organised religion on Pangera is a troubled one, though that could be said of many other institutions that exist on the planet. I do not seek to make excuses mind you, I am simply observing the universal truism that when groups of people of different, or even the same race, gather together, there is inevitable conflict. So few records exist of the time before the Rending, at least that are publicly available, and almost none of them speak of a church or faith, though there are hints here and there, basically nothing can be drawn from them that allows us to make a solid determination. Religion existed pre-cataclysm, that is all we can say.

In the post-cataclysm era, things are much more clear, though they are murky in the first two centuries following the turmoil. It is in this time that the Church of the Path begins its ascent. It isn't known exactly where or when the church itself was founded, though the church itself claims that the Prophet Yillian was the progenitor of the faith after he received a divine solicitation from the System itself in the mountains that came to be named in his honour. There is no direct reason to contradict this claim, there is simply little other supporting evidence.

It is also throughout these centuries that the hidden cults of the Ancients began to expand their influence within almost every society on Pangera. Although this didn't come to light until more than a century beyond this point, from examining the historical record we have been able to identify and track the spread of their influence. Though never large in number, the various cults have always managed to exert undue influence, despite most of them being purged every few centuries by the authorities they tried to infiltrate.

The other predominant faith based organisation is the Tower. Though ostensibly a place of learning and academia, the teachings of the scholars have taken on the weight of religious dogma over the centuries. Though they would vociferously deny the charge, the trappings of the Tower and those of a church are almost indistinguishable. As to the object of their worship? In some respects, they worship themselves, but it would be more accurate to say that the scholars and their devotees worship the potential of the collective civilisations of Pangera, as if the people of this world were each a seed of something divine.

  • Excerpt from 'Pangera and Faith' an essay by Elric

was certain weight in the air when Beyn communed with his flock. A solemn mood that permeated through the space around them as each member of his burgeoning priesthood lowered their head in silent contemplation of the glory that had been revealed to them. The words of the Great One, the ways of the Colony, it was a coda for life that each of these people had

first to evolve his Class and it had been a torturous decision, trying to weigh which aspect did he want to specialise in the most? It was as if the System had removed all his vital organs and then

him, the one that he felt would allow him to best serve his people. The Antbishop Class had called to him strongly, the ability to radiate the dedication and peace of the ant had been like a siren song for his very soul, yet he knew he would be better able to work if he took a different path. The Antorator. Though he was a humble man, even Beyn was forced to admit that his capacity for

to take much longer?" a wave of pheromones jolted him from his

the wall and approached him

looonger," he clumsily produced the scent to reply, his Skill

now clearly understood as the ant version of a shrug and moved away again, giving the Antmancers the space they needed to continue their prayers. When the final hour of their eight hour vigil had finally passed, the gathered Antmancers rose to their feet before they bowed low in one unified motion. Only then did they step back and lower their hoods. For a long moment none spoke, each savouring the feeling of revelation and peace that came from such a deep meditation, but then a few

ground of the new path, he could ask for no better companions on that lonely road than those currently in this room. A sentiment

moment my brothers and sisters," he invited them, his tone

him as it rippled throughout the room. So long as his friend Diplomant was nearby, his

on a new mission. No longer can we be content to be few. No longer can we be content to walk beside the Colony, our benefactors, secure and safe as they bear the risk of protecting us. This

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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