
Chapter 883

[Gah! Another ghast! Who's turn is it?]

[It's mine,] Sarah replied grumpily, [I'm willing to give it away though…]

Tiny immediately shot his hand up, an eager expression on his face.

[Settle down you big lug. Sheesh, you don't even get to eat 'em when they're done. Are you this greedy for experience as well now?]

The big ape gives me a long slow nod before extending a sombre thumbs up.

When it comes to hoarding things for myself, I'm always greedy.

I can practically hear the thoughts running through his head and it irritates me no end.

[We're going to do this democratically. I'm not handing you any more freebies just because I'm feeling lazy.]

[I-I would like the chance to hunt it, master.]

[Crinis? Got the hunger for levels I see! Good! How about that Tiny? Already another contender in the ring.]

He looks down at the black patch on my carapace, the pain of betrayal shining in his eyes.

[Get over it, you drama queen.]

ripples across

want to give this up? They reward a good chunk of experience,

Bear shudders, a comical sight to

so creepy. I'm happy to give

Are you

rather than just assume… you know what? Fine. Next time we'll just put you straight in the draw. No need to glare at

rude to just throw his name in the

one, so that means all four of us are in. Don't grimace like that Tiny, did you

goop on my back stretched out to make scissors, Invidia formed a coloured barrier

in this


do best two out of

been meaning to test a few new things anyway. I've been diligently practicing my force magic over the last week and now I think it's ranked up to the point where I can do some real damage with it. I have a few new spell forms up my carapace and I genuinely think that the oomph I'm able to pack into even

I first started using this particular affinity, they've now upgraded to a solid

the energy I need before I start shaping it into the required form. The

a net made out of mana! The moment the spell takes hold, the hideous creature spins toward me and tries to reach out with its dreadful claws but instead finds itself bound tight. With an almost contemptuous attitude, the

I find you're

at my disposal, a number of spells have already been in the making and they are unleashed one after another on the helpless foe before me. Condensed force bolts slam home like hammer blows, buffeting the beast and buying time for me to close the distance. As I prepare my dash, I send out another, more potent force

finally breaks free of the cage I imposed on it, but it's


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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