
Chapter 890

It'd be nice to mutate right now but I want to build up my bank of Biomass a bit more before I take the plunge. Going through those endless lists and menus is a massive pain in the backside and I'd rather save it all up and go through as much as possible at once.

That doesn’t mean I don't tell Tiny, Crinis and Invidia that they need to make sure they're 100% ready to go before we leave. I leave my three friends silently contemplating their options whilst Brilliant roams free, enjoying a taste of unsupervised freedom before I grab her back into the fold and head out in the stratum once again.

I have several ideas in mind for this expedition, but before I commit to anything I feel like I should take advantage of the collected wisdom here in Orpule before I go gallivanting off into the wilds once again.

My first port of call is to check in with Sarah. Our last talk was a bit heavy and I know she has some things to process but I figure the polite thing is to invite her out again rather than make an assumption.

[That's kind of you, Anthony, but I think I'll rest here in the city for a bit. I don't want to go out there while my head isn't on straight. With what's going on with Jim… I just don't think I'll be in proper control of my emotions.]

Definitely not something you want if you're an anger fuelled murder-bear.

[I get you,] I give her an encouraging pat on the back. [Take it easy and rest for a while. Head up to the second stratum if you feel like it, might as well enjoy the cold while you still can.]

She shudders a little.

[I might take you up on that. Even with these enchantments it is so hot here.]

[You're just too furry!] I laugh. [You need a nice shiny carapace in your next evolution. You won't regret it!]

She eyes my diamond perfection askance.

[I'll consider it…] she says but I'm not convinced she means it.

What is this reluctance! Bah! Some people can't accept true beauty when it's right in front of their eyes… I say farewell to the big bear and head deeper into the city to check on the goings on in the anthill. As usual my appearance causes a few ripples of disturbance amongst the ants but it's something that I'm growing used to over time. I feel like the more attuned to them I become, the more attuned to me they get, as if the connection were working in both directions in some way.

be. I've studiously checked the flow of energy through the Vestibule and it's all one way. Though it's hard for me to examine exactly what happens in the Nave, I can't

ants, certainly someone I didn't expect to

the nest taking care of all the expansion projects up there?] I

holds both antennae straight up in the

delayed the timetable for expansion in order to make sure there aren't any mistakes. Since I didn't have anything to do I thought I'd come down here and help


found some interesting stuff?]

incredibly heat resistant. We can think of hundreds of uses for it but so far we haven't managed to smelt it. Either we can't make a fire that's hot enough


you'll think of something,] I shrug. I'm not going to be the one to puzzle out this mystery, I leave that to the smarter ants. [In terms of building, what are the carvers actually

if frightened that I might discipline her. I'm not

defensive works! Honest! I've even been sleeping properly, no abductions for a

One week? That's it?!

getting captured?] I ask,

[Not… that often.]

[Rest is important!]


I find them working with the Core Shapers, assisting in the research and practice of the caste as they experiment with the precious few Demon cores to see what they can come up with. I have to say, if they manage

gang a

looks up at me before

still haven't evolved

[You can't be serious!]

[What if I am?]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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