
Chapter 892

Burke wouldn't say she disliked the company of other ants, not at all, but it couldn't be denied that she, and quite a few other scouts had developed a strange sense of independence over the months. More than any other group, except perhaps the far ranging core shapers who spent more time with their pets than others of their own kind, the scouts spend huge periods outside of the comforts of the nests, patrolling, carrying messages, scouting (obviously). All of this alone time had made them a little reclusive, a little uncomfortable when exposed to the crush of the nests and the tightly packed ranks of their kind.

She herself could admit that upon leaving the demon cities and climbing down to the plains below she had felt a certain tension unwind within her thorax, a subtle pressure relaxed within her mind.

She breathed deep of the third stratum air and allowed the heated mana with a tinge of destruction swirl around her core. It felt good to be back out in the wilds of the Dungeon with only herself to rely on. A little peace. A little quiet. It was important, she felt, to enjoy these moments whilst they lasted.

She detected a slight vibration through the ground being transmitted to her legs, the fine hairs there thrumming at an increasing pace.

Just breathe. Take in the peace.

The vibration had now become a faint rumbling. Even the demon larvae on the ground were starting to shimmy and shake as they engaged in their eternal tussle, yet Burke tuned it all out. Until the very last moment she would concentrate on the here and now.

So soothing.


An assault of pheromones washed over the suddenly exhausted scout as the vibrations ceased when Vibrant and over a hundred of her loyal crew rushed over and slid to a stop right next to the scout leader.

"Vibrant…" she started, "aren't you supposed to be inspecting the territory to the east of here? Isn't that what you said you would do for the council?"

All of that serenity, all of that quiet peace, gone in an instant. Already she could feel the burgeoning pressure as over a hundred ants packed in around her. Burke loved to be around her kind, don't think otherwise, she just needed a break from them every now and again, and this wasn't helping.

barely understand you at that speed. I mean, can your

"Idon'tknowwhatyoumeanitseemsfinetomeareyousureyouaren'tjustalittleslowmaybeyoushouldspeedupalittlearen'tyouscoutssupposedtobefastImean -"

get it," she cut

it feels so much more natural to go fast. How are you Burke?! I finished looking over the east side, it was really cool! Lots of demons, a few tunnel entrances and some strange crystal thingies that some golgari and humans were mining. We run up to say hello but they all screamed and fled from us. So funny! Before you ask, no I didn't map it out or write anything down, but I think someone


I thought I

golgari and humans mining? So many questions. Although

remember that you were supposed to remain hidden as much as possible during this scouting mission, right Vibrant? During this period the Eldest has explicitly stated that we should avoid bringing unwanted attention to the

more she talked, the more still Vibrant became, until even her antennae weren't moving, as if

to say?" Burke

the spot, her front legs brushing through the air in front of her as if sweeping the

fight anybody and there wasn't anyone around to chase

wanted to slap herself in

"We don't want to ruin things in this important moment for the Colony do we? There's a lot going on right now and a ton of

up to pat

be sure to take care of things here

the one I'm

just find it a little hard to focus on

"Why's that?"

and gotten in trouble by now so I don't have to worry about

do you think about th… you might have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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