
Chapter 896

Our mission is more than holy. We are not a religious order, dedicated to the pursuit of an unknown god. Our rituals are not held in service of empty sophistry, symbolism or in deference to imagined forces. Everything is in service to the mission. We remind ourselves of the purpose. We hone ourselves like blades, scrape away until we are reduced to the finest edge, all in service of a noble goal. Everything is for the Colony. To that end we throw everything away. Our name is simply the first thing to go.

  • Excerpt from 'The Shadow Doctrine'. Nameless Author.

She awoke in darkness. The stone beneath her was cold and hard, she pulled her hand across the surface until it rested in front of her face, yet she couldn't see it. She blinked her eyes, wondering if perhaps she had gone blind. She could still feel her eyes, feel the lids close over them, but there was just nothing there.

She was calm though. There was another sense, the new one, that assured her that she was safe, that she was welcome and that no harm would come to her. It was all around, suffused into the very air itself. She drew that feeling of peace into her lungs with every breath, it soaked into her skin. It hadn't been long since she awakened this ability, to 'smell' with her mind, it had something to do with her new Class, she was sure of that.

As she moved with caution and slowly pushed herself off the ground, using her hands to feel around and above for obstacles as she sought to rise, she began to realise that she wasn't alone. Similar noises sounded out to her left and right as others who must have awoken at the same time she did mimicked her actions without being able to see them. She was tempted to speak to them, but she didn't. She felt that it wouldn't be right. This was a place of silence, and she could respect that.

Instead, she waited.

It was impossible to say how much time had passed in that place. There was no sight, no sound, nothing to mark the passing minutes. The stillness was so complete the girl could feel the beat of her own heart like a drum, so loud it seemed as if everyone would be able to hear it.

Eventually a new presence made itself known. She wasn't sure how she could tell, but she was certain that this being had been with them in wherever they were from the beginning. She didn't hear anyone enter in the time since she awoke. Then the feeling returned. A scent, a thought, a feeling that unfurled into meaning inside her thoughts like a flower opening itself to the sun.

"You are all patient. That is good. Patience is required to do what we do."

Silence descended once more as the scent hung in the air. The girl drew air deeply through her nose, trying to take in more of the message but it made no difference, she didn't perceive it with her nose, not really.

so young. It is a curious thing. Very unusual, as we

they remained still, comforted by

may speak, child," the scent was

and suddenly her throat was dry and

she croaked.


times before

reaching out to anyone… about… anything?"

not recall, but I assure you it is true. Perhaps you did not realise what it was that you were searching for, you may not have even realised you were searching, but I assure you that you were. We've had our eye on you three for some time and you have been drawing closer to us every day that passes, whether you knew it or not. So we have chosen to make ourselves known to you. Do not fear, there is no

young humans shifted on their feet, but none

"I will introduce myself."

the dark, the sound of many legs tapping

the Sanctum of Sleep. You should feel honoured, you are the first of your kind to

she were looking around her, though she could

nice," she

said a girl

a boy to her right

A brief silence.

know you

girl said. Her mother had

She'd been drawn to them for as long as she could remember. To be this close to them, perhaps to more than one! She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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