
Chapter 902

"Are you sure that you aren't responsible, Eldest?"

"What are you talking about, Sloan? I've been the soul of caution out here. All of this can be blamed on the plant. How are we supposed to know that the kaarmodo and the bruan'chii are having some sort of dust up?"

The general flicks her antennae in irritation.

"We'd heard that there might be something of the sort going on, but we never expected that it would matter to us. Even though the kaarmodo sand empire is close to the former border kingdoms, we haven't done anything to provoke them, so we never expected them to act so aggressively toward us."

"Seriously though, what's the issue between the tree and the lizards? What could they possibly be fighting over?"

"From what we've been able to gather it has something to do with resources and land in the fourth and fifth strata."

I stare.

"How in the name of heck are you able to figure that out? We haven't been anywhere near the fourth stratum!"

"We have our sources, Eldest."

I eye the smaller ant.

"You want to act all mysterious now? Fine. So what's the plan?"

"The Colony is still restructuring and expanding above so we want to avoid a major conflict if at all possible. We need to defend the garden until the grove keeper has arrived so we can learn why the mother tree has chosen to reveal herself to us at this time."

"That makes sense. I'd love to know what's going on inside her head. How many are we up against?"

been able to learn, there aren't actually that many kaarmodo in the nearby demon cities, though they have

that many to come,


How many are we

"Ten thousand."

a lot. Most of them are going to be tier four, with a good chunk of tier five mixed in, but that's

going to arrive?" I

minutes. I left with them and rushed ahead to get here first. There are already scouts roaming

than I expected. Nice to see that everyone is so

right then, I'll go and take a


fight anyone! Yeesh. Have a little faith

rejoin my companions below. It's barely been an hour since the garden grew

the flood waters, their entire Colony clinging together, with their queen in the centre of the mass, in order to survive. We might

Crinis? Do you think we're strong enough to take on

first time we faced one,

Crinis, you're just as strong as I am. How about

[V-very well… master.]

Do you feel like joining in on this one? And please don't appear in mid-air on me, my heart can only take

short pause I hear the demon's thoughts echo across the

says, [I do not seek to make enemies of the kaarmodo. It is not my

admit. [Well, I suppose you'll be hanging around anyway, just make sure you keep your distance.

Which reminds me.

wits about you. Pitched battles are

get a reply, but I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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