
Chapter 908


The council recoils in shock, snapping at the air, their antennae twirling violently through the air.

"That is quite uncomfortable," Coolant observes in a detached way, as if she weren't currently gnashing empty space as if it had a head she wanted to remove.



"Sorry-sorry! Sometimes I forget. Anyway, I really want to fight something right now, why is that?"

The council all turn to look at me.

"It's not easy to explain. I had the same reaction," I tell them.

I hesitate.

How much do I want to reveal right now? If I tell the council all about termites, won't they quite reasonably want to know where I came by my knowledge? I've never explicitly explained my origins to my siblings, and I don't see why it would matter, but I feel a little awkward now that I'm on the spot. Bah! To hold information back just because I'm a little uncomfortable would be ridiculous! Ant lives are on the line here!

"Termites are a social insect, much like us. They have a Queen, possibly a king, they produce eggs which hatch into nymphs that eventually mature into workers and soldiers. They are known to eat wood which is likely why the kaarmodo decided to use them against the bruan'chii. They can even hollow out trees or logs and form their nests inside. Since the reptiles are using them as a weapon I'm sure they've done extensive modifications to the core of the Queen in order to influence the offspring and the overall species. In truth, they could be a very powerful enemy and we should be extremely cautious."

The ants gathered around the council table all nod solemnly as they consider what I've said.

"So when do we attack?" Leeroy asks.

"Dammit Leeroy!" I crash an antenna down on the carved surface of the grand circular table. "This is serious business, not your usual 'charge in recklessly' routine!"

think she might be right this time,"

at the normally cool headed

be serious. From you, Sloan? I feel like

for my stance, Eldest, if you would hear me out before jumping to

I wave a leg in apology. "This whole thing

"Right then."

table, all our eyes focus on her as

begins, "that I really hate the sound of these 'termites' and want

the table there are solemn nods as each of the council


"You can't be serious!"

that I am serious. The very mention of these fiends stirs the mana in my core.

the Colony as a whole! Am I wrong? It was only a

raises both her forelegs

of progress and being more deliberate with our expansion has yielded dividends already and will continue to do so into the future. When we do start to expand our holdings in the third we will be in a much better place than we were before to safely hold that which we

I'll go! Send me!

there's a volunteer already, thanks

"No problem!"

and conquer cities or worry about weird politics, we just need to protect the tree from the termites. Will we be able to destroy the infestation and annihilate their nest immediately? No chance. But we can dig in and fight a defensive war until we have the chops to properly compete

when we get there," I fret. "Even the tree and the bruan'chii are struggling, which means these termites are powerful, perhaps more powerful

"We commit to a defensive strategy and dig in as hard as we can. As long as we blunt the offensive and relieve the

chips in, "working in a whole new environment is going to be difficult to say the least and

the healers," Mendant says in her quiet scent. "We can't afford to lose any of you, so you need

who is going to stay here and make sure our operations on the third don't stumble like they

look at

I'm going to the fourth, are you nuts? Imagine

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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