
Chapter 916

For the next twenty four hours all mandibles were placed into work teams and we worked like only insects can to prepare ourselves for the inevitable retribution that would come. As of this moment, the termites, and by extension the kaarmodo, don't know that we've arrived, not a single termite came into contact with an ant and lived to tell the tale, but they had to know something was up. Several thousand termites had been killed all up, not a single one who'd been sent out to raid the tree yesterday had gone back to the nest. There would be reprisals, no doubt about it.

This added a new dynamic to the termite/ant conflict. In my mind, it was always the ant who was the aggressor. Termites were basically peaceful creatures who cultivated fungus and herbivores who broke down the sugars in wood to survive. Ants on the other hand are marauding killers who butcher other insects for food, killing more arthropods than anything else on the planet, even humans. There are even places in the world where ants are welcomed by farmers since they know the ants will find and kill every other insect they can get their mandibles on.

In this case, it's the termites who are coming to us.

Eventually we'll turn the tables on them, but not yet. For now, we bunker up as if this were a nest. For my part, I immerse myself into the zen of digging, sinking into a realm of peace that even the meditation skill cannot bring.

I am one with the soil.

The soil is one with the planet.

The planet is one with the universe.

All there is, all there was, and all there will ever be, is to dig, one mandible load of soil at a time.

The calming sense of purpose and oneness that comes from a good dig is a welcome relief from the chaos and turbulence of the last few weeks. Fighting giant lizards and demons? Why the hell have I been doing that? I could have been digging this whole time!

Alas, it's too good to last.

are advancing on the

in surrounded by my siblings, Tiny, Invidia and Crinis, blasting her warning pheromones at full power. The response is immediate, ants stop their work and scurry back toward the safety of the more established defensive line. Mages cease their work compressing and fortifying the soil and rock and join the rush, a huge train of Colony members flooding back from the work sites here and further out. I wait, holding myself to the side as the rush of my siblings continues to pass by. Only when the numbers begin to ease

they are?" I

I don't think it's that far. The outer line of scouts was only positioned

likely don't have much

not. I'm

I caution her, "this is an opponent

your mandibles are twitching,


can't help it! Just keep

me. Eventually the tunnel merges with another, then another, widening as it goes, the streams of ants merging into a mighty river of insect rage that eventually emerges into an opening on the edge of the main roots. The Mother Tree has been hard at work assisting us, withdrawing her gardens from the front line and helping to position the roots she can move in ways that don't inhibit our work. The result

the scent trails to get into position for

reaches me. "Eldest! This

"Advant? What's the story?"

make out individual smells in the crush of ants

up here!" the soldier blasts at me from nearby. "The generals want you in the



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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